
Adds some futuristic items that use the magic item system.

Status: Working with minor defects

The mod works as do all of the items it adds, however the armors it adds currently lack any encumbrance due to errors still to be solved.


Adds some futuristic items that use the magic item system. Working as of 0.E-7938

Currenty there is no way to acquire any of the things of the mod without debug mode, natural spawning coming soon.


  • Repulsion Vest: Blasts nearby hostile creatures, dealing damage without harming the user. Uses batteries to operate.
  • Water Accumulator: generates a unit of water once every 8 hours, not enough to keep you hydrated on it's own, but can help to mantain a mobile, sustainable source of water.
  • Deployable Monomolecular Sword: a mono sword that you can deploy and conceal, slightly heavier than a bionic one.
  • Laser Discharge Cannon: a powerful energy weapon that consumes an obscene amount of energy, for a sizeable power.