A simple gif search React app made with GIPHY API.
- TypeScript
- React
- Styled components
- Storybook
This app is deployed on the following platforms:
- Heroku: https://giphy-react-app.herokuapp.com/
- Github Page: https://nancybolstad.github.io/giphy-app/
View design/prototype: https://github.com/NancyBolstad/giphy-app/blob/master/doc/giphy-design.pdf
Ensure you have yarn installed
yarn install
yarn start
You can run UI test with Storybook
yarn storybook
- Async fetching
- Display search results in a Masonry-like grid layout/photo gallery
- Support infinite loading: keep loading more images when user clicks the "Load more" button
- Show trending gifs in the index page
- Responsive design. Mobile-first.
- Meet the Web accessibility requirements.
- UI Test
- Unit Test
- Dark/light mode toggle
- Progressive image loading
- Add routing: Keep the URL in sync with the search input.