
Ngx Facebook Messenger offers a lightweight alternative, optimizing user experiences by significantly reducing the initial load size, ensuring smoother page performance, and enhancing overall website efficiency

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NgxFacebookMessenger | Angular

Angular component for Facebook Messenger Plugin

Ngx Facebook Messenger offers a lightweight alternative, optimizing user experiences by significantly reducing the initial load size, ensuring smoother page performance, and enhancing overall website efficiency

Currently Facebook Messenger Plugin killed the core web vitals when load

Before of implementation of plugin

Sample Before


Sample After

Native for Angular


See a live demo

Basic Usage

Init your plugin with previous register your page domain in the white list of Facebook

Set your page_id in ngxFacebookMessengerOptions how the next example

<ngx-facebook-messenger [fbInitParams]="{ xfbml: true, version: 'v17.0' }" [ngxFacebookMessengerOptions]="{ page_id: 'YOUR_PAGE_ID'}"> </ngx-facebook-messenger>



npm install ngx-facebook-messenger

Import into Module

import { NgxFacebookMessengerModule } from 'ngx-facebook-messenger';

  imports: [
  declarations: [...],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Customization CSS

For customized position of plugin and background

In case the View Button is ICON

Example of position left in the plugin with botton 36px , and custom background color

#ngx-facebook-messenger {
  background: #8278ff;

In case the View Button is ICON TEXT or TEXT

Example of position left in the plugin with bottom 36px , and custom background

#ngx-facebook-messenger {
  .wrapper {
    bottom: 36px;
    right: 0;
    left: 0;

  .wrapper-icon-text {
    left: 12px;
    background: #8278ff;

Note : This SCSS code is valid when applied in style base of all proyect , when applied directly in component use !important



In fbInitParams

interface InitParams {
  appId?: string;
  version: string;
  cookie?: boolean;
  status?: boolean;
  xfbml?: boolean; // Default value true
  frictionlessRequests?: boolean;
  hideFlashCallback?: boolean;
  autoLogAppEvents?: boolean;

In NgxFacebookMessengerOptions

export interface NgxFacebookMessengerOptions {
   * Your required page_id for correctly work of real plugin facebook messenger
  page_id: string;
   * Optional option for defined language support by facebook plugin (review your language in documentation)
   * @default 'en_US'
  language?: string;
   *  Init Plugin Options
  initPluginOptions?: {
     * Init plugin by default Facebook Messenger Oficial lazy ( when click in the fake button )
     * when is false init eager ( killed your web vitals )
     * @default true
    lazy?: boolean;
     * If required showDialog
     * @default true
    showDialog?: boolean;
     * Debounce time for hide the ngx facebook messenger
     * When load real plugin, time in miliseconds
     * @default 600
    debounceTime?: number;
     * Property of attribute for theme_color color in oficial Facebook Plugin Messenger
     * Default take your configuration setting in Facebook Account
     * If not it's configure take blue default color
     * @default null
    theme_color?: string;
     * When the user is logged with your account show a greeting text in the Facebook Plugin Messenger
     * @default 'Hello, how can we help you?'
    logged_in_greeting?: string;
     * When the user not logged with your account show a greeting text in the Facebook Plugin Messenger
     * @default 'Hello, how can we help you?'
    logged_out_greeting?: string;
   * Button Options for customization similar to a Facebook Plugin Official
  buttonOptions?: {
     * Text button when style is VIEW_BUTTON.ICON_TEXT or VIEW_BUTTON.TEXT
     * @default Chat
    text?: string;
     * Enum Options of possible view.
     * @default VIEW_BUTTON.ICON
    view?: VIEW_BUTTON;
     * Enum Options of possible style.
    style?: STYLE_BUTTON;
     * Size options if is desktop or mobile
    size?: {
       * Enum Options of possible desktop size.
      desktop?: SIZE_BUTTON_DESKTOP;
       * Enum Options of possible mobile size.
      mobile?: SIZE_BUTTON_MOBILE;
  • Enum values
export enum VIEW_BUTTON {
  ICON = 'ICON',
  TEXT = 'TEXT',

export enum STYLE_BUTTON {

export enum SIZE_BUTTON_MOBILE {



Output Description
xfbmlRender Emitted when xfmblRender in the DOM
customerChatShow Emitted when the customer Chat Show ( Oficial PLugin Facebook )
customerChatLoad Emitted when the customer Load , At this point, the plugin is not necessarily mounted in the DOM( Oficial PLugin Facebook ) , This output is replace for own implementation of mutation observer detect the Chat Plugin is load and mounted in the DOM
customerChatHide Emitted when the customer chat Hide ( Oficial Plugin Facebook )
dialogShow Emitted when the customer chat show Dialog ( Oficial Plugin Facebook )
dialogHide Emitted when the customer chat hide Dialog ( Oficial Plugin Facebook )


This method should be after init the plugin or throw a error , except hideNgxFacebookMessenger

Method Description
pluginChatShow(shouldShowDialog: boolean) Call this function to show the plugin on your page. You can use the shouldShowDialog parameter to decide if the dialog should also be shown. For the plugin to stay hidden on initial page load, you have to set xfbml as false when initializing the SDK. Then you can call FB.XFBML.parse() to control when Customer Chat is loaded.
pluginChatShowDialog() Call this function to show the plugin dialog.
pluginChatHideDialog() Call this function to hide the plugin dialog.
pluginChatHide() Call this function to hide the plugin Chat.
fbXFBMLParse() This function parses and renders XFBML markup in a document on the fly. This could be used if you send XFBML from your server via ajax and want to render it client side. XFBML enables you to incorporate FBML into your websites and IFrame applications.
hideNgxFacebookMessenger() This function hide the library with display none with a debounce time if exist in the options

Note : The documentation take part of facebook js sdk


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Having an issue? or looking for support? Open an issue and we will get you the help you need.
  • Got a new feature or a bug fix? Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

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