
This is a blockchain project aimed at securely storing patient prescriptions in the form of text. The project is designed to have a front-end in JavaScript and a back-end in Python, providing users with an efficient and secure platform to communicate.


The main purpose of this project is to provide a secure and efficient platform for communication between patients, doctors, and pharmacists. The platform will be able to filter prescriptions according to the doctor ID, patient ID, and allow each of these groups to access the blockchain for their respective needs.


  • Secure storage of patient prescriptions in the form of text
  • Front-end in JavaScript for ease of use
  • Back-end in Python for efficient data processing
  • Ability to filter prescriptions based on doctor ID and patient ID
  • Accessible to patients, doctors, and pharmacists

Running the Project

1.Start the Python back-end by running the following command in your terminal:


2.Start the JavaScript front-end by running the following command in your terminal:

node frontend.js

3.Finally, start the streamlit application by running the following command in your terminal:

streamlit run







This project provides a secure and efficient platform for communication between patients, doctors, and pharmacists, allowing for secure storage and easy access to patient prescriptions. The user-friendly design of the platform makes it accessible and efficient for all parties involved.