
Modelling of complex deterioration models and failure criteria in DBNs and POMDPs

Primary LanguageMATLABBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Description of the files (View in source <> mode)

FILE OUTPUT VARIABLES OUTPUT FILE NAME REMARK SIF_FAD MCS crack samples, pF Deterioration.mat, pf_FAD Change FM model / failure criteria here dbn_dr_trans dr_env dr_ENV.mat Play with discretization here dbn_dr_uncond To compare pF between MCS and DBN MCS_updat pF_MCS, pf_MCS, beta_MCS mcs_upd_out.mat Change POD model here, need to specify inspection years dbn_dr_cond dr_env (with POD model) dr_ENV.mat Input the same POD model and inspection years, to compare updated pF between MCS and DBN parsing_infinite dr_env (with rewards) IFH_input.mat Change the cost model here parsing_finite dr_env (FH models) FN_input.mat Transforming state, transition, observation, reward models
headingSarsop FADfini.pomdp Writing the pomdp input file


If you use this DBN-POMDP implementation for complex deterioration models and failure criteira in your own work, please cite our paper:

author = {Nandar Hlaing and Pablo G. Morato and Jannie S. Nielsen and Peyman Amirafshari and Athanasios Kolios and Philippe Rigo},
title = {{Inspection and maintenance planning for offshore wind structural components: integrating fatigue failure criteria with Bayesian networks and Markov decision processes}},
journal = {Structure and Infrastructure Engineering},
volume = {18},
number = {7},
pages = {983-1001},
year  = {2022},
publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
doi = {10.1080/15732479.2022.2037667},