
A simple, lightweight self-hosted Discord Slash Command Bot to see a self-hosted minecraft server's stats.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A simple, lightweight (~1.5MB start, ~3.5MB idle memory usage) self-hosted Discord Slash Command Bot to see a self-hosted minecraft server's stats. It is especially helpful to use /sniff if you don't have static ip at home or your server. Though it should be work for other public servers but ip received from /sniff will be wrong.


  1. Simple data and ip finding with /sniff:

  2. Remote command execution with /command:

    • Requires enable-rcon=true in server.properties

  3. Simple info about server with /details Simple:

    • Requires enable-query=true in server.properties

  4. Detailed info about server with /details Detailed:

    • Requires enable-query=true in server.properties

How To Use?

From Releases (recommended):

  1. Download latest release from here.
  2. Extract the .zip archive.
  3. Edit the sample.env file.
  4. Rename sample.env to .env.
  5. Modify file permissions for mcstats binary:
    • sudo chmod +x mcstats
  6. Run the bot:
    • ./mcstats

From Source:

  1. Install rust compiler and cargo from here.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Edit sample.env and rename it to .env.
  4. Open the terminal and run the bot with cargo run --release.