
  • Comment or uncomment blueprint prefix based on requirement.

    File service_1/


    File service_2/


  • Do docker build from root directory itself

sudo docker build -t service_0:latest -f service_0/Dockerfile .

sudo docker build -t service_1:latest -f service_1/Dockerfile .

sudo docker build -t service_2:latest -f service_2/Dockerfile .

  • Then tag and push the docker images to respective container registry.

  • Update the correct image uri to the yaml deployment file present inside each folder

    • service_0/service_0.yaml
    • service_1/service_1.yaml
    • service_2/service_2.yaml
  • (If required) Update Port type & service names in those YAML files

  • Then use those YAML files for deploying the services

  • Create required load balancer and other related things.

  • Finally make changes and run the ingress.yaml file

Health Checks

Google cloud health check