
Sentimental Analysis of twitter data using Roberta ML model

Primary LanguagePython


Sentimental Analysis of twitter data using Roberta ML model

A sentiment analysis of Twitter data is a process of using natural language processing and machine learning techniques to extract and analyze the sentiment of tweets (messages posted on the Twitter platform). This can be used to gain insights into the public opinion of a particular topic or brand, as well as to monitor the sentiment of a company's customers and identify potential issues.

To perform a sentiment analysis of Twitter data, you will need to first collect a dataset of tweets relevant to the topic or brand you are interested in. This can be done using the Twitter API or by using a third-party tool to scrape tweets from the platform.

Once you have your dataset, you will need to preprocess the text of the tweets to clean and prepare it for analysis. This may involve removing punctuation, URLs, and emojis, as well as converting the text to lowercase and tokenizing it (splitting it into individual words).

Next, you will need to apply a sentiment analysis model to your preprocessed tweet data. This can be done using a pre-trained model or by training your own model using a labeled dataset of tweets with known sentiments.

Once you have applied your sentiment analysis model, you can use the results to gain insights into the sentiment of the tweets in your dataset. This can be visualized using graphs and charts, and can be used to identify trends and patterns in the sentiment of the tweets over time.

Overall, a sentiment analysis of Twitter data can be a useful tool for gaining insights into public opinion and for monitoring the sentiment of a company's customers.