• Starter template created for rails app.
  • Following gems are installed gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.1.1' - bootstrap v4 style sheet can be used. bootstrap docs

gem 'devise' - used for authentication. devise github

gem 'simple_form' - forms made easy using simple form

  • home page created as root path

How to use:

Clone this project and run bundle to install the gems and rake db:create foodora-collaborative-project_development to create the database in postgres. run rake db:migrate to generate schema file with users table, which is added via devise

requirement spec (User story):


Project Rules :

  • Each member of the team picks up a task from the task list
  • Before starting work, discuss with the team and plan out how would you handle independent tasks and dependent tasks
  • Design and draw an ERD as a team before starting implementation.
  • Each person in the team has three major tasks. i) implements the functionality and push to side branch, send a review request to a team mate and a request for independent testing. ii) Review and test a team members code. iii) Once reviewed and tested create a pull request to merge the changes to master.
  • Admin of the master branch is allowed to merge to master. No one else is allowed to merge back into master.
  • Pair programming must be done where necessary and involves dependency.
  • Must follow scrum methodology.
  • Must follow GitHub guide for the commit messages(
  • Must deploy a functional app to heroku.

Git push rules:

  • Admin forks this repo.
  • Adds the team as collaborators
  • Each team member must clone, branch and create a pull request to master (note: team member must not merge to master)
  • Discuss git workflow with your team before you start the project.