- Initial release
Infrastructure templates and utilities for building AWS CloudFormation stacks. Respawn uses cfn-pyplates to generate CloudFormation templates. Respawn digests a custom, easy to read/write YAML representation of a JSON CloudFormation template and resources, with the goal of generating CloudFormation templates based on python templates (pyplates!) that reflect the CloudFormation template hierarchy.
Respawn is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services - Cloudformation. It allows for easier and more user friendly and concise YAML keywords to create resources/parameters/userdata in CloudFormation stacks. This is used in Dow Jones professional information business pipeline and with success and has been modified to be as generic and serve all. Currently the library supports Python 2.7.
Respawn has been written by the following authors. The logo for respawn has been designed by Gregor Louden.
Documentation is generated by sphinx and hosted on readthedocs.
At the moment, respawn supports:
- AutoScaling
- AutoScalingGroup
- LifecycleHook
- ScalingPolicy
- ScheduledAction
- CloudWatch
- Alarm
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Instance
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- SecurityGroup
- Volume
- Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
- LoadBalancer
- Relational Database Service (RDS)
- DBInstance
- Simple Notification Service (SNS)
- Topic
The goal of respawn is to support the full breadth and depth of Amazon Web Services - resources. respawn is developed mainly using Python 2.7.x on Mac OSX and Ubuntu. It is known to work on Linux Distributions, Mac OS X and Windows.
To install respawn, simply:
- Open command prompt and execute pip command :
pip install respawn
to use respawn, in your command prompt/terminal :
$ respawn pathToYAML.yaml
to create & validate the JSON against AWS using boto and pipe output to a file:
$ respawn --validate pathToYAML.yaml > pathToJSON.json
to pipe the output to a file :
$ respawn pathToYAML.yaml > pathToJSON.json
We'd love to get contributions from you! Take a look at the CONTRIBUTING.rst to see how to get your changes merged in.