
Code for GameDev.tv c++ course with Raylib

Primary LanguageMakefile

This game is a result of following the GameDev.tv c++ course


Run game

You need to setup Vscode and find replace all the references to my raylib folder with the path to your local raylib folder.


This course was very basic. You will learn the pure basics of C++, no advanced things. As a experienced Java developer with basic programmer knowledge this was to basic.

If you are new to programming this is a good start. You will also start getting to know Raylib which is a very powerful framework for game development.

DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE FOR THIS COURSE. Only buy if on sale. I payed $16.25 and that's a fair price consider the work that went into making this course.

I still enjoyed this course. The quality is good and they teach what they promise. Basic C++. Sense of completion, when done with the course, is satisfying.