- 6
- 5
- 1
Update NannyML to support python 3.12
#424 opened by nikml - 6
- 2
Update all dependencies
#428 opened by djstrong - 2
Support for Python version>3.12
#427 opened by priyankasrs - 2
- 1
- 6
- 3
No support for some Pandas Extension Dtypes
#399 opened by Duncan-Hunter - 1
Reference Drift Metrics
#426 opened by emrynHofmannElephant - 14
Pydantic 2+
#331 opened by duvi86 - 3
Optional dependency for database requirements
#412 opened by Duncan-Hunter - 2
Relax SQLModel deps version to >=0.0.8,<0.1.0
#383 opened by cristiangreco94 - 3
During import: "type object 'LGBMRegressor' has no attribute '_get_param_names'"
#414 opened by GrigoriiTarasov - 4
change assumed `treat_as_categorical`
#397 opened by Duncan-Hunter - 5
- 2
- 6
- 3
Chunk Index inconsistency between hover and x-axis
#351 opened by nikml - 3
Update to using pyarrow 14.0.0
#365 opened by amrit110 - 5
- 5
- 5
Chunk index does not continue from reference to analysis in results and plots.
#266 opened by jakubnml - 4
- 5
Small visual bug in the plotting.
#293 opened by WojtekNML - 8
Deafult chunker results in unequal chunk chunk across reference and analysis
#300 opened by WojtekNML - 6
Support multilabel classification and regression
#322 opened by j-adamczyk - 1
Comparison plot of reconstruction error and model's performance legend misplacement error
#328 opened by maciejbalawejder - 0
- 0
Univariate drift calculation fails: `autodetected range of [nan, nan] is not finite`
#339 opened by nnansters - 1 may be better for this project
#332 opened by ClayIdols - 3
Incorrect Threshold Computation for KolmogorovSmirnovStatistic When Handling NaN Values.
#327 opened by giodavoli - 2
- 4
- 2
Univariate drift plots not showing period legends
#285 opened by santiviquez - 4
- 5
- 4
Add DatabaseWriter support to `MissingValuesCalculator` and `UnseenValuesCalculator`
#313 opened by bgalvao - 2
[DOCS] NannyML Functionality Requirements are Outdated.
#255 opened by nikml - 3
Getting 'Calculator Exception' when running the "univariate_calculator.calculate(analysis)" command.
#233 opened by abhilashmarecharla - 2
Uncouple chunking between reference/analysis and allow single chunk for analysis
#241 opened by FelipeAdachi - 1
Comparison Plot Issues
#261 opened by nikml - 1
[DOCS] Installation instructions are duplicated
#244 opened by nikml - 1
- 1
For having just drift detection in Production
#257 opened by gourav1298 - 2
- 1
Not able to Install nannyML in Mac M1 13.2
#247 opened by gourav1298 - 2
Add option to UnivariateDriftCalculator to explicitly mark columns as categorical
#238 opened by nnansters - 1