
An add in to Sparx EA that allows for modeling and exporting REST APIs as RAML and JSON Schema

Primary LanguageC#


An Add In to Sparx Enterprise Architect to allows modelling and exporting of RAML,Json Schema and Json artefacts.

Blogs about this functionality

Videos introducing this functionality.


  • Build the solution in the APIAddIn folder using visual studio
  • Using Regedit add the registry key to list Sparx EA to the class. Synchronizing Json files into EA
  • Start EA.
  • You should see the extension menus in Extensions-API MDG.
    • The extensions are context sensitive

Using this add in


This project makes use of the Yaml.NET. I have had to clone the source code into this project as without changes I couldnt get the raml syntax to be generated correctly.

This project also reliese upon the SVG Export. Please install this plugin.


If this is useful to you or you would be interested to some other features/capabilities. Let me know.