
List of free web services for scientific research collaboration and publishing

Free Scientific Research Web Services

This is a list of web services for collaborating on and publishing scientific research. The services in this list are either entirely free or have a free plan (not a trial) that satisfies the description above (collaborative work and publishing).

To add a service that matches the criteria above, please create a pull request or send an e-mail to support@docollab.com .

  • Authorea - Collaborative scientific article writing and publishing platform with multiple subscription plans. Free plan is limited to 1 private article.
  • DataHub - Free dataset management and discovery platform.
  • Docollab - Free collaborative electronic lab notebook and publishing platform.
  • Dryad - Free digital repository for submitting, discovering and citing scientific publications.
  • Exec&Share - Free platform for publishing scientific research and code as a website.
  • F1000Research - Free open science publishing platform for life scientists.
  • Figshare - Repository for collaborating and publishing research results with multiple plans. Free plan is limited to 1 collaborative space, 5 collaborators and 250MB private storage.
  • Hivebench - Collaborative electronic lab notebook with online and in-house plans. Free online plan is limited to 10 team members, 1000 experiments and 10GB storage.
  • LabArchives - Electronic lab notebook with multiple subscription plans. Free plan limited to 25MB storage.
  • Labfolder - Digital lab notebook with multiple subscription plans. Free plan has less group features, limited to 3 team members and 3GB sotrage per user.
  • MyScienceWork - Scientific article publishing and promotion with free and premium plans. Free plan does not include access to content from all publishers, and restricts communication to users in the network.
  • Open Notebook Science Network - Free public storage for open scientific research.
  • Open Science Framework - Free collaborative research project management.
  • Overleaf - Collaborative scientific article writing and publishing platform with multiple subscription plans. Free plan has less access control settings and sync options.
  • Quartzy - Free lab and inventory management.
  • ResearchGate - Free scientific article publishing and discovery.
  • RPubs - Free R Markdown document publishing.
  • RunMyCode - Free platform for publishing scientific research and code as a website.
  • Synapse - Free private and public research workspaces with support for coding programs.
  • Zenodo - Free research result publishing and discovery.