This project contains predefined JavaFX & Maven projects with afterburner.fx and optional my own (Naoghuman) libraries.
This project contains a predefined
JavaFX & Maven project with my own Naoghuman libraries and afterburner.fx.
Currently following Naoghuman
libraries are in the project template included:
is a library foreasy
storing and accessing actions (EventHandler<ActionEvent>) in a JavaFX & Maven desktop application.
is a library for easy accessing an ObjectDB database in a JavaFX & Maven desktop application.
is a library foreasy
logging with the Apache Log4j 2 in a JavaFX & Maven desktop application.
is a library foreasy
storing simple data to a file in a JavaFX & Maven desktop application.
- Lib-Properties is a library for
loading properties in a JavaFX & Maven desktop application.
The project Project-Templates
is licensed under [General Public License 3.0].
The project Project-Templates
is maintained by me, Peter Rogge. See Contact.
You can reach me under