
Simple GUI and MySQL stuff for our group project

Primary LanguageJava


Simple GUI and MySQL stuff for our group project

Some notes about the MySQL loading and usage:

  • You can load the data into whatever schema name you choose.
    • The only thing is you must use the 'DDL.sql' file under 'sqlData' folder
    • In order to load the data, you must then use the 'Load.sql' file under 'sqlData'
      • This requires you to edit all references of './' in the ‘Load.sql’ file to the root folder where these scripts that the 'data' folder exist.
    • The application when started will make assumptions that you are logging in with a 'student' and 'password' with server address being local host. You must also assign the port. The other assumption is the schema name. You can change all of these under the settings menu.

The most simple way to run the demo would be to follow this tutorial: https://youtu.be/d7v0sK62bwQ

  • We simply use a mySqlWorkbench dump to export the database and import it into a new system.
  • This makes handling things like directories and where files are located very easy

FULL DISCLOSURE: WrapLayout.java is not of my own work. It is lightly modified bu was provided for free and for any use:

This is simply a layout manager


  • obtained from: https://tips4java.wordpress.com/2008/11/06/wrap-layout/
  • "you are free to add the class to any package you wish. As the “Contact Us”
  • page says:
  • It should be noted that none of the code presented here is used in any real
  • application and therefore you use it at your own risk. You are free to use
  • and/or modify any or all code posted on the Java Tips Weblog without restriction.
  • A credit in the code comments would be nice, but not in any way mandatory."
