
A simple compiler based on yacc and lex.

Primary LanguageYacc


Built with

  • C++
  • Lex
  • Yacc


  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 20.04


All of basic features

Feature discription
1 Syntax Validation Print “syntax error” when parsing invalid syntax
2 Print Implement print-num statement
3 Numerical Operations Implement all numerical operations
4 Logical Operations Implement all logical operations
5 if Expression Implement if expression
6 Variable Definition Able to define a variable
7 Function Able to declare and call an anonymous function
8 Named Function Able to declare and call a named function

How to implement

bison -d -o y.tab.c pro.y
g++ -c -g -I.. y.tab.c
flex -o lex.yy.c pro.l
g++ -c -g -I.. lex.yy.c
g++ -o pro y.tab.o lex.yy.o -ll
./pro < Input_data.lsp


To give an simple idea

Few steps will show how it gets the result for operator '+'

  • This is the example input of plus operation
    • green words represent the terminal defined in the pro.l file
  • by this part of grammar, we can easily know the reduction process
program         : stmts
stmts           : stmt stmts 
                | stmt
stmt            : exp                                        
exps            : exp exps 
                | exp                         
exp             : NUM                       
                | num_op   
num_op          : plus     
plus            : '(' '+' exp exps ')' 

  • Focus on the subtree related to the operator '+', this is the subtree AST we built in pro.y file during parsing

  • To get the result of input, below are the steps while traversing the subtree, after these steps we can get the result and it's also stored in the value field of node '+'

  • follow the rules, we can finish other num-operation and logical-operation

Define variable and function

  • sructure definition
struct Node{
    char op;
    int intval;
    int isFunFlag;
    char* name;
    Node *left;
    Node *right;
    Node *mid;
struct vardec{
	string var_id;
	int id_val;
	Node* funexp;
	Node* funpara;
	vector<vardec> idinfo;
  • the variable are stored in vector decc if the input is defining pure numbers
  • the variable are stored in vector fundecc if the input satisfy the anonymous function call
    • the variables stored in different vectors that the parameters inside the anonymous function will not affect the definition of outside scope
  • all of the named functions are put in namedfundecc, the function name as the var_id, the function parameters' name stored in pointer* funpara after traversal, the input value will bind with each correspond parameters and put in that namedfundecc element's idinfo
vardec tmp;
vardec ntmp;
vector<vardec> decc;
vector<vardec> fundecc;
vector<vardec> namedfundecc;