
Simple Swapping Contract for Two tokens

Primary LanguageSolidity

Sample Hardhat Project This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, and a script that deploys that contract.

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat help npx hardhat test REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test npx hardhat node npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts

Token A = 0xde79380FBd39e08150adAA5C6c9dE3146f53029e Token B = 0xbFD3c8A956AFB7a9754C951D03C9aDdA7EC5d638

deployer Addr = 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266

account 12 = 0xFABB0ac9d68B0B445fB7357272Ff202C5651694a = to

swap addr = 0x840748F7Fd3EA956E5f4c88001da5CC1ABCBc038