
Term project for Bioinformatic class

Primary LanguageC++

Outline for PC to assembly read (naive approach)

limitations & constraints

  • parse reads without concerning about read qualities

  • have to be computable using normal PC (testing machine MBPr mid-2014)

  • computation needs to be finished within appropriate time

Outline for this Algorithm

  1. hash the read the fastq file ignoring (id, quality) into format <read> <left:ull> <right:ull> (ull is unsigned long long) and write it to a new file and let's called it hash-read.

  2. sort and unique the hash-read with only <left> and <right> and called it hash-read.uniq.

  3. construct de brujin graph using the hash-read.uniq file and do Hierholzer's algorithm (find Euler tour) and write it to file sequence-out.

  4. revert the hash <left> <right> back to its read

To Build and use the script

  • you need to have gcc in your PATH.

  • in the root directory of this project run

    > ./naive-denovo.sh -d <dimension> -f <fastq_file>

and the output file will be generated with the name results

  • or specify the output file by flag -o <filename> example
    > ./naive-denovo.sh -d 64 -f read.fastq -o output.txt
  • or to view the help message
    > ./naive-denovo.sh --help


  • input file must be fastq file

  • output format will be multiple lines, each line represensts each connected components