
New Relic APM metrics inside your Laravel Nova Dashboard

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New Relic APM Metrics for Laravel Nova

Add Error Rate, Throughput and Response Time metrics to your Laravel Nova Dashboard.



You need to run the following command: composer require napp/nova-new-relic-metrics

Add Credentials

add the following to config/services.php

'newrelic' => [
    'api_key' => env('NEW_RELIC_API_KEY'),
    'insights_api_key' => env('NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_API_KEY'),
    'account_id' => env('NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID'),
    'app_id' => env('NEW_RELIC_APP_ID'),

Add cards to a dashboard

add to NovaServiceProvider.php

public function cards()
    return [
        new \Napp\NewRelicMetrics\Metrics\Throughput,
        new \Napp\NewRelicMetrics\Metrics\ErrorRate,
        new \Napp\NewRelicMetrics\Metrics\ResponseTime,
        new \Napp\NewRelicMetrics\Metrics\MysqlRequests,
        new \Napp\NewRelicMetrics\Metrics\RedisRequests,
        new \Napp\NewRelicMetrics\TransactionsCard,