Matches Made in Heaven: Toolkit and Large-Scale Datasets for Supervised Query Reformulation

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With the increasing importance of the query reformulation task,various researchers have already offered different strategies to collectground-truth query translation pairs. The objective of our work is to present a standard approach forgenerating large-scale query pair collections that can be used fortraining supervised query reformulation techniques. To generate a ground-truth query reformulation dataset, We propose a toolkit to first train a transformer architecture and learn the associations between the relevance judgement documents of each query and the query itself. Then, the trained transformer is exploited to generate queries from theset of relevant judgment documents associated with each query. The generated queries are then evaluated based on their effectiveness, e.g.,map or mrr, and the most effective queries are chosen to be pairedwith the original query.

Datasets: Details and Evaluation

Based on MSMARCO training set, we release three datasets for MSMarco, namely, Diamond, Platinum, and Gold datasets. The details and the corresponding link to queries can be found in this table. Queries were retrieved using BM25 implementation in Anserini. All the queries have relevant judged documents that can be found in MSMARCO website.

Number of Queries MAP (Source Query) MAP (Revised Query) MAP Improvement % MRR@10 (Source Query) MRR@10 (Revised Query) MRR@10 Improvement %
Diamond Dataset 188,398 0.139 1.000 619% 0.126 1.000 690%
Platinum Dataset 429,192 0.086 0.582 576% 0.074 0.593 693%
Gold Dataset 502,939 0.179 0.603 236% 0.169 0.612 260%

The dataset files is formatetd in the following :

qid \t initial query \t Map (initial query) \t Target Query \t MAP (Target Query)

For instance :

126720	define scale down	0.0	scale down debt definition	1.0
676	1400mm to inches	0.0	convert 1400 mm to inches	1.0
15	 The ABO blood types are examples of	0.0303	blood type system in humans examples	1.0

More information on each datasets can be found under datasets directory.

Replicating the results

To replicate the numbers in the table (retrieve and evaluate the Diamond Dataset) you need to follow these steps:

  1. Installing Anserini
  2. Index MSMARCO passage collection
  3. you may to may the number of threads and the index directory when following this command
sh anserini/target/appassembler/bin/SearchMsmarco -hits 1000 -threads 1 \
 -index indexes/msmarco-passage/lucene-index-msmarco \
 -queries datasets/queries/Diamond_target.tsv \
 -output runs/run.diamond.train.tsv
  1. You may evaluate the results on MRR@10 with the folllowing comand :
python anserini/tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
 datasets/qrels/qrels.diamond.train.tsv runs/run.diamond.train.tsv

and the output should be:

MRR @10: 1
QueriesRanked: 188398 

You may also evaluate the MAP with the following commands:

python anserini/tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
 --input runs/run.diamond.train.tsv \
 --output runs/run.diamond.train.trec

python anserini/tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
 --input datasets/qrels.diamond.train.tsv \
 --output datasets/qrels.diamond.train.trec
anserini/tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval -m map qrels.diamond.train.trec runs/run.diamond.train.trec

and the output should be:

map                     all     1.0000

Datasets: Generation

The overflow of generating the queries are shown in the following Figure which consists of 1) transformer training step and 2) query generation step.

Transformer Training

We finetuned T5 transformer in order to generate queries from the documents. To finetune T5 on pairs of query and relevant judged passages of MSMArco, we adopted DocTTTTQuery methodology and the details of the trainig can be found here. The trained model is also available if you do not wish to train the model.

It should be noted that the goal of this training step is being able to generate a query that a document can best aswer, given any documents.

Query Generation

The fine tuned T5 is not deterministic, therefore, we can generate a different query each time we run the model on a document. We run the model (N=25) times to generate N queries for each document in the qrels (relevant judged documents). You can generate N queries given any documents and the fine-tuned model by following here.

Further, we evaluate the desired evaluation metric on the 25 queries and select the one with the best performance. The best performed query among the N generated queries is considerd as the target query. If the target query failed to show any improvemet, we keep the original query (it happens in gold dataset). In this case, we measure MAP across all the 25 generated queries and seleect the one with higehst MAP value.


Negar Arabzadeh, Amin Bigdeli, Shirin Seyedsalehi, Morteza Zihayat, and Ebrahim Bagheri

Laboratory for Systems, Software and Semantics (LS3), Ryerson University, ON, Canada.