Version 3! Now each plugin is included and managed in its own file!
git clone ~/.vim
.cd ~/.vim
Now you have a choice. The automated script or the manual process.
- Run
rake vim:link
to make the.vimrc
symbolic links.- Install Vundle with
git clone bundle/vundle
vim +PluginInstall +qall
Enjoy enhanced productivity, increased levitation, reduced watermelon-related accidents, and startling sex appeal.
- NeoVim or MacVim - I'm currently using NeoVim via Homebrew on OS X Yosemite.
Here's a list of plugins that require further installation or have dependencies.
- Fugitive Requires Git to be installed.
- syntastic Requires many different binaries installed depending on what filetypes you want it to check. See the FAQ for more information.
- Ag.vim Requires The Silver Searcher to be installed.
- Source Code for Powerline The custom font I'm using for vim-airline.
- CtrlP C Matching Extension requires compilation. See the steps in its readme.
- underscore-cli for sweet JSON formatting.
- Typing
insert mode is equivalent toEscape
. - Pressing
in normal mode saves the current buffer.
And many more. See mappings.vim
for more.
Create a new .vim
file with the same name as the plugin you'd like to install
in vundle_plugins/custom
. Then add the installation
block. For example:
if exists('g:vundle_installing_plugins')
Plugin 'matze/vim-move.vim'
let g:move_key_modifier = 'C'
This example installs vim-move
Stars___ | Plugin | Description |
5,696 ★ | vim-fugitive 📄 | fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal |
5,436 ★ | vim-airline 📄 | lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air |
5,175 ★ | syntastic 📄 | Syntax checking hacks for vim |
4,909 ★ | nerdtree 📄 | A tree explorer plugin for vim. |
4,537 ★ | ctrlp.vim 📄 | Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder. |
2,916 ★ | vim-rails 📄 | rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools |
2,845 ★ | vim-surround 📄 | surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple |
2,593 ★ | emmet-vim | emmet for vim: |
1,675 ★ | ultisnips 📄 | UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips! |
1,588 ★ | vim-coffee-script | CoffeeScript support for vim |
1,469 ★ | supertab | Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab |
1,288 ★ | vim-ruby | Vim/Ruby Configuration Files |
1,219 ★ | vim-javascript | Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim. |
1,191 ★ | vim-indent-guides 📄 | A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code |
1,087 ★ | tabular 📄 | Vim script for text filtering and alignment |
1,077 ★ | gist-vim 📄 | vimscript for gist |
972 ★ | vimux 📄 | vim plugin to interact with tmux |
893 ★ | vim-unimpaired | unimpaired.vim: pairs of handy bracket mappings |
831 ★ | delimitMate | Vim plugin, provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc. |
813 ★ | vim-startify 📄 | A fancy start screen for Vim. |
800 ★ | ag.vim 📄 | Vim plugin for the_silver_searcher, 'ag', a replacement for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' |
761 ★ | jellybeans.vim 📄 | A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim. |
749 ★ | vim-tmux-navigator 📄 | Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits |
684 ★ | vim-signify 📄 | Show a diff via Vim sign column. |
644 ★ | vim-repeat | repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "." |
593 ★ | vim-abolish | abolish.vim: easily search for, substitute, and abbreviate multiple variants of a word |
563 ★ | html5.vim | HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax |
531 ★ | vim-less | vim syntax for LESS (dynamic CSS) |
523 ★ | vim-haml | Vim runtime files for Haml, Sass, and SCSS |
498 ★ | tcomment_vim 📄 | An extensible & universal comment vim-plugin that also handles embedded filetypes |
468 ★ | vim-jade | Vim Jade template engine syntax highlighting and indention |
455 ★ | vim-session 📄 | Extended session management for Vim (:mksession on steroids) |
449 ★ | vim-json | A better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly. |
413 ★ | vim-endwise | endwise.vim: wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc |
406 ★ | vim-ruby-refactoring | Refactoring tool for Ruby in vim! |
368 ★ | vim-eunuch | eunuch.vim: helpers for UNIX |
355 ★ | vim-textobj-user | Vim plugin: Create your own text objects |
316 ★ | undotree | The ultimate undo history visualizer for VIM |
302 ★ | vim-css3-syntax | Add CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in syntax/css.vim . |
294 ★ | vim-jsx 📄 | React JSX syntax highlighting and indenting for vim. |
280 ★ | webapi-vim | vim interface to Web API |
277 ★ | vim-cucumber | Vim Cucumber runtime files |
239 ★ | vim-bundler | bundler.vim: Lightweight support for Ruby's Bundler |
230 ★ | vim-textobj-rubyblock | A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks. |
219 ★ | vim-stylus | Syntax Highlighting for Stylus |
214 ★ | MatchTagAlways 📄 | A Vim plugin that always highlights the enclosing html/xml tags |
210 ★ | csv.vim | A Filetype plugin for csv files |
204 ★ | cocoa.vim | Vim plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development. |
199 ★ | switch.vim 📄 | A simple Vim plugin to switch segments of text with predefined replacements |
168 ★ | vim-markdown | Markdown for Vim: a complete environment to create Markdown files with a syntax highlight that don't sucks! |
165 ★ | vim-rake | rake.vim: it's like rails.vim without the rails |
158 ★ | vim-turbux 📄 | Turbo Ruby testing with tmux |
133 ★ | vim-misc | Miscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts |
101 ★ | nerdtree-git-plugin | A plugin of NERDTree showing git status |
95 ★ | ZoomWin 📄 | Zoom in/out of windows (toggle between one window and multi-window) |
92 ★ | ember.vim 📄 | Vim plugin for the Emberjs frontend framework |
91 ★ | | extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages |
89 ★ | colorv.vim 📄 | A powerful color tool in vim |
88 ★ | vim-visual-star-search | Start a * or # search from a visual block |
76 ★ | vim-handlebars | [deprecated] Vim plugin for Handlebars |
63 ★ | vim-marked | Open the current Markdown buffer in |
57 ★ | vim-anzu 📄 | Vim search status. |
57 ★ | portkey 📄 | Navigate files at the speed of Vim. |
51 ★ | L9 | Vim-script library |
44 ★ | textile.vim | Textile for VIM |
36 ★ | Join | a better (hopefully) :Join command in vim |
31 ★ | vim-togglecursor 📄 | Toggle the cursor shape in the terminal for Vim. |
30 ★ | ListToggle 📄 | A vim plugin for toggling the display of the quickfix list and the location-list. |
27 ★ | QFEnter 📄 | Open a Quickfix item in a window you choose. (Vim plugin) |
16 ★ | scratch.vim | Plugin to create and use a scratch Vim buffer |
10 ★ | vim-voogle 📄 | google for the word under the cursor to a browser because 2013 |
8 ★ | vim-tomdoc | Simple vim plugin that adds TomDoc templates to your code. |
7 ★ | nginx.vim | Syntax highlighting for nginx.conf and related config files. |
7 ★ | indenthtml.vim 📄 | alternative html indent script |
3 ★ | GIFL 📄 | Add "wrap terms in google I'm feeling lucky url" à la Textmate |
3 ★ | YouCompleteMe 📄 | A slightly modified fork of YCM: A code-completion engine for Vim |
3 ★ | swap-parameters | Swap parameters of a function or a comma separated list with a single command. |
2 ★ | HelpClose | Close all help windows |
2 ★ | taskpaper.vim | This package contains a syntax file and a file-type plugin for the simple format used by the TaskPaper application. |
1 ★ | tomdoc.vim | A simple syntax add-on for vim that highlights your TomDoc comments. |
0 ★ | vim-autoreadwatch | A forked script for vim auto reloading of buffers when changed on disk. |
0 ★ | vim-tmux | |
That's 82 plugins, holy crap.
Generated by rake update_readme
on 2015/07/12.