Simple python script to ROM information from various sources and write them as new mupen64plus.ini file.
Works with NoIntro and MAME database file format.
This snippet get games present in NoIntro but missing in mupen64plus.ini:
from itertools import chain
from mupen64plus_ini_creator import (from_nointro_dat,
# parse and get NoIntro games by MD5 fingerprint (merge them all)
path = 'Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian).dat'
path1 = 'Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (Parent-Clone).dat'
path2 = 'Nintendo - Nintendo 64DD.dat'
nointro_games = {g.rom.md5: g
for g in chain(from_nointro_dat(path),
print(f"No-Intro game count: {len(nointro_games)}")
# parse and get mupen64plus.ini games by MD5 fingerprint
path = 'mupen64plus-core/data/mupen64plus.ini'
m64p_ini_games = {g.md5: g
for g in from_mupen64plus_ini(path)}
print(f"mupen64plus ini game count: {len(m64p_ini_games)}")
# get MD5 present in NoIntro but missing in mupen64plus.ini
md5_nointro_only = set(nointro_games.keys()) - set(m64p_ini_games.keys())
for md5 in md5_nointro_only:
# retrieve NoIntro game
game = nointro_games[md5]
MAME parsing is supported but useless as it doesn't provide MD5 values.
from mupen64plus_ini_creator import from_mame_xml
path = 'n64.xml'
mame_games = list(from_mame_xml(path))
print(f"Mame game count: {len(mame_games)}")
And finally, you can export mupen64plus.ini file back:
from mupen64plus_ini_creator import (from_mupen64plus_ini,
path = 'mupen64plus-core/data/mupen64plus.ini'
out_path = 'mupen64plus-core/data/mupen64plus_reexport.ini'
m64p_ini_games = {g.md5: g
for g in from_mupen64plus_ini(path)}
export_as_mupen64plus_ini(m64p_ini_games, out_path)