
A simple ETL that scraps data engineering jobs in the US from Indeed, transforms, loads to S3 and Snowflake, then shows insight via Streamlit

Primary LanguagePython

Web srapping ETL project

979 Data enginering jobs data is scrapped from indeed.com Data is ingestd to Amazon S3, transformed, then loaded to Snowflake. Streamlit App loads data from Snowflake using Snowpark API and displays insights

Tools and libaries used for the project

  • Scrap and transform data: Python
  • Create table and load data to Snowflake: SQL
  • Web Scrapping: BeautifulSoup, requests
  • S3 API: Amazon Boto3
  • Snowflake API: Snowflake connector, Snowpark
  • Data Manipulation: Pandas, Snowpark
  • Visualization: Streamlit, Plotly

Streamlit App