
A dashboard tool that provides end-to-end solution for local marts and vegetable sellers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A prototype end-to-end solution for local marts and vegetable sellers.


  1. Configurable database for the store.
  2. Add/Remove and Manage products.
  3. Control the pricing of each product in the inventory.
  4. Get analytics of the sales everyday and project it with historic data.
  5. Charts which helps you to compare the sales of one product w.r.t to another.
  6. Export sales data as csv/json.
  7. Easily deployable as a service. (Provides container images)
  8. Multi-user application.

How to run?

To run this app, you need docker and docker-compose to be installed on the machine. See the instructions below:

With docker:

If you want to run with docker, first you need to configure MongoDB either on cloud or locally. You can pull and run MongoDB container image, locally:

docker run --rm --net=host mongo

Then build the container image of the app.

docker build . -f deploy/Dockerfile -t veg-analytics:latest

You may have to modify the deploy/sample.env as per your needs. Then run the app as follows:

docker run --rm --env-file=utils/sample.env --net=host veg-analytics:latest

You can open the browser and type the URL http://localhost:9000/ (or the port you mentioned in deploy/sample.env)

Using docker-compose

Using docker-compose, you can quickly set-up the complete deployment. Go to deploy/ and run docker-compose as follows:

docker-compose build

To run:

docker-compose up

Creating the native version of the app:

You can use nativefier, to generate the native version of the app. Follow the steps below:

  1. Run the app: Follow the procedure in the section above to run the app, make sure it is running on some port.

  2. Now, use nativefier to build the native binary for you.

npx nativefier http://localhost:9000       #or any other host as you wish


login status Products Transactions Viz1 Viz2 Viz3