
  • In App.js -> Application object is where our main functions like get, use going to reside.
  • The methods library just returns all the http methods in lowercase.
  • this.lazyrouter() -- which means for the given application we are going to create an Router.

    Going to handle the routing logic. Only one per application.

  • The important properties of an router is its stack.
  • our router - which internally has stack to keep our routes inclined. We need to expose a function, so that user can add specific routes into the stack. This function is called as route.
  • For a given path (a route actually) we are creating a Route and a Layer.
  • The layer contains the route. Layer also takes few properties.
  • After creating the route and layer, we are pushing the data into the routers stack.

    Going to hold information about the route and the layer, which has the handles for a given path.

  • Layer -> Contains the path and necessary function reference to execute when a path matches the given request.

Phase-3 - next()

  • The next() function is used to pass the control to the next middleware function.
app.get("/route1", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log("came here");

app.get("/route1", (req, res) => {
    res.write(`hello world`);
  • here after hitting /route1 -> firstly came here is printed them it goes call next()middleware means goes to next same route and execute them.
  • when you call next from your callback, its gonna resume the processing of stack from where it stopped.