
A math problem generator, created for the purpose of giving self-studying students and teaching organizations the means to easily get access to high-quality, generated math problems to suit their needs.

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A math problem generator, created for the purpose of giving self-studying students and teaching organizations the means to easily get access to random math problems to suit their needs.

To try out generators, go to https://todarith.ml/generate/

If you have an idea for a generator, please add it as an issue and tag it with the "New Generator" label.


The project can be install via pip

pip install mathgenerator

Here is an example of how you would generate an addition problem:

from mathgenerator import mathgen

#generate an addition problem
problem, solution = mathgen.addition()

#another way to generate an addition problem using genById()
problem, solution = mathgen.genById(0)

List of Generators

Id Skill Example problem Example Solution Function Name
[//]: # list start
0 Addition 33+23= 56 addition
1 Subtraction 14-1= 13 subtraction
2 Multiplication 52*1= 52 multiplication
3 Division 14/26= 0.5384615384615384 division
4 Binary Complement 1s 0110111= 1001000 binaryComplement1s
5 Modulo Division 23%70= 23 moduloDivision
6 Square Root sqrt(121)= 11 squareRoot
7 Power Rule Differentiation 3x^2 + 3x^5 + 1x^2 + 6x^4 + 6x^3 6x^1 + 15x^4 + 2x^1 + 24x^3 + 18x^2 powerRuleDifferentiation
8 Square 18^2= 324 square
9 LCM (Least Common Multiple) LCM of 17 and 11 = 187 lcm
10 GCD (Greatest Common Denominator) GCD of 15 and 12 = 3 gcd
11 Basic Algebra 2x + 3 = 10 7/2 basicAlgebra
12 Logarithm log2(32) 5 log
13 Easy Division 196/14 = 14 intDivision
14 Decimal to Binary Binary of 61= 111101 decimalToBinary
15 Binary to Decimal 1 1 binaryToDecimal
16 Fraction Division (2/1)/(10/5) 1 fractionDivision
17 Integer Multiplication with 2x2 Matrix 16 * [[4, 1], [1, 2]] = [[64,16],[16,32]] intMatrix22Multiplication
18 Area of Triangle Area of triangle with side lengths: 15 13 11 = 69.62892717829278 areaOfTriangle
19 Triangle exists check Does triangle with sides 35, 14 and 37 exist? Yes doesTriangleExist
20 Midpoint of the two point (15,5),(9,10)= (12.0,7.5) midPointOfTwoPoint
21 Factoring Quadratic x^2-12x+35 (x-7)(x-5) factoring
22 Third Angle of Triangle Third angle of triangle with angles 37 and 54 = 89 thirdAngleOfTriangle
23 Solve a System of Equations in R^2 -4x - 8y = 60, -9x + 10y = 51 x = -9, y = -3 systemOfEquations
24 Distance between 2 points Find the distance between (16, 7) and (19, 14) sqrt(58) distance2Point
25 Pythagorean Theorem The hypotenuse of a right triangle given the other two lengths 18 and 8 = 19.70 pythagoreanTheorem
26 Linear Equations -8x + 15y = -109
6x + -14y = 90 x = 8, y = -3 linearEquations
27 Prime Factorisation Find prime factors of 130 [2, 5, 13] primeFactors
28 Fraction Multiplication (8/9)*(3/2) 4/3 fractionMultiplication
29 Angle of a Regular Polygon Find the angle of a regular polygon with 8 sides 135.0 angleRegularPolygon
30 Combinations of Objects Number of combinations from 11 objects picked 9 at a time 55 combinations
31 Factorial 2! = 2 factorial
32 Surface Area of Cube Surface area of cube with side = 17m is 1734 m^2 surfaceAreaCubeGen
33 Surface Area of Cuboid Surface area of cuboid with sides = 8m, 4m, 17m is 472 m^2 surfaceAreaCuboidGen
34 Surface Area of Cylinder Surface area of cylinder with height = 32m and radius = 18m is 5654 m^2 surfaceAreaCylinderGen
35 Volum of Cube Volume of cube with side = 11m is 1331 m^3 volumeCubeGen
36 Volume of Cuboid Volume of cuboid with sides = 14m, 19m, 1m is 266 m^3 volumeCuboidGen
37 Volume of cylinder Volume of cylinder with height = 16m and radius = 18m is 16286 m^3 volumeCylinderGen
38 Surface Area of cone Surface area of cone with height = 48m and radius = 20m is 4523 m^2 surfaceAreaConeGen
39 Volume of cone Volume of cone with height = 29m and radius = 6m is 1093 m^3 volumeConeGen
40 Common Factors Common Factors of 59 and 57 = [1] commonFactors
41 Intersection of Two Lines Find the point of intersection of the two lines: y = -1/4x - 2 and y = 4/5x + 3 (-100/21, -17/21) intersectionOfTwoLines
42 Permutations Number of Permutations from 13 objects picked 8 at a time = 51891840 permutations
43 Cross Product of 2 Vectors [4, -11, 9] X [-8, -19, -5] = [226, -52, -164] vectorCross
44 Compare Fractions Which symbol represents the comparison between 3/7 and 2/4? < compareFractions
45 Simple Interest Simple interest for a principle amount of 2398 dollars, 9% rate of interest and for a time period of 5 years is = 1079.1 simpleInterest
46 Multiplication of two matrices Multiply
-23-7843 5-83-5 4-92-16
6619 5671073723914001-629110147-73876383
1472-16113318-5565-1257410381 638-236992621
3748-1803-1146020725462-8183242311 947
2400 960229502483 952-19744625-55129372
[ 10584, 13902, 11916, -7446, 4430, 554]
[ -1800, 6587, 14343, 6224, 4525, 4853]
[-12452, -10675, -8693, 427, 2955, 17691]] matrixMultiplication
47 Cube Root cuberoot of 221 upto 2 decimal places is: 6.05 CubeRoot
48 Power Rule Integration 4x^5 + 2x^5 + 9x^8 + 9x^5 (4/5)x^6 + (2/5)x^6 + (9/8)x^9 + (9/5)x^6 + c powerRuleIntegration
49 Fourth Angle of Quadrilateral Fourth angle of quadrilateral with angles 27 , 155, 116 = 62 fourthAngleOfQuadrilateral
50 Quadratic Equation Zeros of the Quadratic Equation 53x^2+200x+78=0 [-0.44, -3.33] quadraticEquationSolve
51 HCF (Highest Common Factor) HCF of 7 and 4 = 1 hcf
52 Probability of a certain sum appearing on faces of dice If 2 dice are rolled at the same time, the probability of getting a sum of 11 = 2/36 diceSumProbability
53 Exponentiation 9^10 = 3486784401 exponentiation
54 Confidence interval For sample S The confidence interval for sample [266, 201, 278, 209, 229, 275, 216, 234, 219, 276, 282, 281, 208, 247, 265, 273, 286, 202, 231, 207, 251, 203, 259, 288, 291, 260, 210, 263, 222] with 99% confidence is (260.5668079141175, 231.29526105139982) confidenceInterval
55 Comparing surds Fill in the blanks 15^(1/9) _ 55^(1/1) < surdsComparison
56 Fibonacci Series The Fibonacci Series of the first 10 numbers is ? [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] fibonacciSeries
57 Trigonometric Values What is tan(30)? 1/√3 basicTrigonometry
58 Sum of Angles of Polygon Sum of angles of polygon with 3 sides = 180 sumOfAnglesOfPolygon
59 Mean,Standard Deviation,Variance Find the mean,standard deviation and variance for the data[36, 13, 31, 23, 38, 34, 24, 20, 41, 14, 19, 31, 11, 49, 49] The Mean is 28.866666666666667 , Standard Deviation is 143.5822222222222, Variance is 11.982579948501167 dataSummary
59 Surface Area of Sphere Surface area of Sphere with radius = 11m is 1520.5308443374597 m^2 surfaceAreaSphereGen
60 Volume of Sphere Volume of sphere with radius 73 m = 1629510.5990953872 m^3 volumeSphere
61 nth Fibonacci number What is the 68th Fibonacci number? 72723460248141 nthFibonacciNumberGen
62 Profit or Loss Percent Profit percent when CP = 825 and SP = 972 is: 17.81818181818182 profitLossPercent
63 Binary to Hexidecimal 100000 0x20 binaryToHex
64 Multiplication of 2 complex numbers (3+14j) * (-3+16j) = (-233+6j) complexNumMultiply
65 Geometric Progression For the given GP [4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096] ,Find the value of a,common ratio,8th term value, sum upto 7th term The value of a is 4, common ratio is 4 , 8th term is 65536 , sum upto 7th term is 21844.0 geometricprogression
66 Geometric Mean of N Numbers Geometric mean of 3 numbers 81 , 35 and 99 = (813599)^(1/3) = 65.47307713912309 geometricMean
67 Harmonic Mean of N Numbers Harmonic mean of 2 numbers 99 and 25 = 2/((1/99) + (1/25)) = 39.91935483870967 harmonicMean