-f 20
runs the playbook on 20 servers concurrently
- server_admin/check_updates.yml
Only works on Ubuntu 16
ansible-playbook -f 20 --ask-vault-pass -i ../hosts check_updates.yml
- server_admin/update_hosts.yml
time ansible-playbook -f 20 --ask-vault-pass update_hosts.yml -i ../hosts
View upgradable packages per server:
cat /tmp/upgradable-pkgs/hostname.json | jq .
View upgradable packages on all servers:
cat /tmp/upgradable-pkgs/* | jq .
- server_admin/add_etc_backup_script.yml
ansible-playbook -f 20 --ask-vault-pass -i ../hosts add_etc_backup_script.yml
- server_admin/change_user_pass.yml
This playbook changes the users password and adds a crontab which will revert the change if one is locked out. Set the crontabs atleast 20min after the server time.
- server_admin/remove_pass_revert_cron.yml
Once your new passwords have been changed and you are not locked out of the server. Change all the vault passwords with the new password and run the playbook to delete the passwors revert cron.
cd server_admin
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
ip a
passwd vagrant
# Insert the ip and password in to hosts
# Edit cancel_passwd_revert_cron.yml and change_user_pass.yml to run on the correct host.
ansible-playbook -f 20 --ask-vault-pass -i ../hosts change_user_pass.yml
ansible-playbook -f 20 --ask-vault-pass -i ../hosts remove_passwd_revert_cron.yml