
Try to make a grouping feature for awesome Quasar Framework table component #hack-a-may #INeedBadlyOneLikeThis

Primary LanguageVue

Try to make a grouping feature for awesome Quasar Framework tablle component #hack-a-may



QGroupedTable is a Quasar App Extension. It allows you to display data grouped on specific columns in a well known QTable component.


To add this App Extension to your Quasar application, run the following (in your Quasar app folder):

quasar ext add q-grouped-table


To remove this App Extension from your Quasar application, run the following (in your Quasar app folder):

quasar ext remove q-grouped-table

Defining the columns

    { name: 'index', align: 'center', label: 'Index', field: 'index' },
    { name: 'balance', label: 'Balance', field: 'balance',align: 'center' },
    { name: 'eyecolor', label: 'Eye Color', field: 'eyecolor',align: 'center',formatGroupHeader:(value,count)=>`Stuff with ${value} eyes (${count} people)` },
    { name: 'name', label: 'Name', field: 'name',align: 'left' },
    { name: 'gender', label: 'Gender', field: 'gender',align: 'center' },
    { name: 'company', label: 'Company', field: 'company',align: 'left',formatGroupHeader:(value,count)=>`${count} people in ${value} company` }

Defining Data

      index: 0,
      balance: "$3,091.58",
      eyecolor: "green",
      name: "Stafford Mathews",
      gender: "male",
      company: "APPLE"
      index: 1,
      balance: "$3,305.95",
      eyecolor: "brown",
      name: "Darlene Harvey",
      gender: "female",
      company: "AMAZON"
    }, etc.....


QGroupedTable usage

  <q-group-table :loading="loading" dense dark :group-on="group" :title="niceTitle" :data="users" :columns="column_defs"  selection="single" :selected.sync="selected" @select="get_selection($event)">
  <template v-slot:top>
    <q-btn dense dark color="primary" :disable="loading" label="Add row" @click="addrow" />
    <q-space />
    <q-input outlined dense dark debounce="300" color="primary" v-model="filter">
      <template v-slot:append>
        <q-icon name="search" />


can be found here.

Online Demo

can be found here.

Thank you Quasar for being such a nice framework!