
Web pool game on web canvas using javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pool Game Web

Web pool game on web canvas using javascript.

Engine created using maths, geometric equations and vector calculations.

Ball collision detection

Collision detection algorithms

Box / Box :

	 * Check rect collision between two different balls (rect collision detection)
	 * @param {Other ball} other 
	do_rect_collide(other) {
		return Box.collide(this.get_AABB(), other.get_AABB())

Point / Circle :

	 * Check collision between a point and the ball circle (circle & point collision detection)
	 * @param {Vector(x, y)} point 
	do_point_circle_collide(point) {
	   let d = (point.x - this.pos.x) * (point.x - this.pos.x) + (point.y - this.pos.y) * (point.y - this.pos.y)
	   return d <= this.radius * this.radius

Circle / Circle :

	 * Check collision between two different balls (circle collision detection)
	 * @param {Other ball} other 
	do_circle_collide(other) {
		let abs_dist = Math.abs((this.pos.x - other.pos.x) * (this.pos.x - other.pos.x) + (this.pos.y - other.pos.y) * (this.pos.y - other.pos.y))
		let rad_sum = (this.radius + other.radius) * (this.radius + other.radius)

		return abs_dist <= rad_sum

Ball collision response

Method that allows to replace and change the trajectory of two different balls that collide with each other

if (this.do_rect_collide(other)) {
	if (this.do_circle_collide(other)) {
		let fDistance = Math.sqrt((this.pos.x - other.pos.x)*(this.pos.x - other.pos.x) + (this.pos.y - other.pos.y)*(this.pos.y - other.pos.y));

		// Normal
		let nx = (other.pos.x - this.pos.x) / fDistance;
		let ny = (other.pos.y - this.pos.y) / fDistance;

		// Tangent
		let tx = -ny;
		let ty = nx;

		// Dot Product Tangent
		let dpTan1 = this.velocity.x * tx + this.velocity.y * ty;
		let dpTan2 = other.velocity.x * tx + other.velocity.y * ty;

		// Dot Product Normal
		let dpNorm1 = this.velocity.x * nx + this.velocity.y * ny;
		let dpNorm2 = other.velocity.x * nx + other.velocity.y * ny;

		// Conservation of momentum in 1D
		let m1 = (dpNorm1 * (this.mass - other.mass) + 2 * other.mass * dpNorm2) / (this.mass + other.mass);
		let m2 = (dpNorm2 * (other.mass - this.mass) + 2 * this.mass * dpNorm1) / (this.mass + other.mass);

		// Calculate displacement required
		let fOverlap = 0.5 * (fDistance - this.radius - other.radius);

		// Displace Current Ball away from collision
		this.pos.x -= fOverlap * (this.pos.x - other.pos.x) / fDistance;
		this.pos.y -= fOverlap * (this.pos.y - other.pos.y) / fDistance;

		// Displace Target Ball away from collision
		other.pos.x += fOverlap * (this.pos.x - other.pos.x) / fDistance;
		other.pos.y += fOverlap * (this.pos.y - other.pos.y) / fDistance;

		// Wikipedia Version - Maths is smarter but same
		let kx = (this.velocity.x - other.velocity.x)
		let ky = (this.velocity.y - other.velocity.y)
		let p = 2.0 * (nx * kx + ny * ky) / (this.mass + other.mass)
		this.velocity.x = this.velocity.x - p * other.mass * nx
		this.velocity.y = this.velocity.y - p * other.mass * ny
		other.velocity.x = other.velocity.x + p * this.mass * nx
		other.velocity.y = other.velocity.y + p * this.mass * ny


Features Details
Collision Handler Add a better collision handler that provides better perfomance and allows to locate the balls within a virtual grid to decrease the number of collision checks per frame
Drawing method Add image display