
C64 emulator with 6502 cpu implemented on the ESP8266 chip and VIC-II gpu implemented in browser javascript

Primary LanguageC++


This is a C64 Emulator running on an esp8266 using a webbrowser as a display. For more info see http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4704&p=28932#p28932. The code was based upon http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=193216.msg1793065#msg1793065

Android phones are incompatible due missing keyboard

Code is now prepared for

  • Arduino IDE 1.8.10
  • esp8266 board tools version 2.4.2 (important!)
  • LwIP 1.4 Higher bandwidth
  • CPU frequency 160MHz


  1. Extract the files in the zip
  2. Start Arduino editor and open the ino file
  3. Upload the ino file to the esp8266
  4. This sketch will create a free WiFi-AP named Commodore 64
  5. Tap on it
  6. Enjoy...

Have fun

You should now see the startup screen of de C64!

alt text

BASIC example

  10 FOR I = 1 TO 10
  30 NEXT I

Using pokes you can change the background color, position of text and write character to screen:

  POKE 53280,2
  POKE 53281,5

Of course you can also enter simple programs like:

  10 PRINT "C64 lives!"
  20 GOTO 10

Tetris BASIC code example

But such a pity, clipboard does not work...

1 a$="efijefijefijefijbfjnhijkbfjnhijkijfgaefjijfgaefjefjkiefbefjkiefbbfjidefj" 
2 a$=a$+"abeieijkaeijijkgabfjiefgehijebfj@abe@dhe":o=207:dime(o):forx=0to111 
3 print,"   {CBM-M}","    {CBM-G}":p=asc(mid$(a$,x+1)):e(x)=(pand3)+(pand12)*10:next:m=2024 
4 print,"    {CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}":gosub6:goto7 
5 pokei+e(r),c:pokei+e(r+1),c:pokei+e(r+2),c:pokei+e(r+3),c:c=160:r$="d":return 
6 i=1152:r=h:c=32:gosub5:j=int(rnd(0)*7)*16:r=j:gosub5:r=h:h=j:i=i+9:return 
7 gosub6:w=i:t=i:g=r:k=240:l=1278 
8 gosub15:c=32:gosub5:r=-r*b-g*notb:g=r 
9 i=w:w=i+40:gosub5:gosub15:ifbthen12 
10 getk$:g=randkor((r-4*(k$="s"))and15) 
11 t=w:w=w+(k$=l$)-(k$=r$):l=l+40:goto8 
12 c=o:gosub5:m=m-(l<m)*(l-m):fory=0to3:q=1:forx=0to9:q=q*(peek(l+x)=o):next 
13 fors=ltol+(m-160-l)*qstep-1:pokes+11,peek(s-29):next:y=y-q:m=m+q*40:z=z+q 
14 l=l+40*not-q:next:print"{home}";z:goto7 
15 b=0:forx=0to3:b=bor1andpeek(w+e(g+x)):next:b=b>0:w=-t*b-w*notb:l$="a":return 

Note that the {CBM-x} represents the graphic on that particular key (press the c= key and the letter to produce it)

For more examples follow links at: https://github.com/matgoebl/esp8266-ntsc-c64-emulator/tree/master/prg https://gkanold.wixsite.com/homeputerium/kopie-von-games-list-2019-2

Remarks regarding speed:

The emulation speed within the esp8266 is higher than the update speed of the browser. The maximum speed of the browser implementation is 5 frames per second, possibly due to the use of the XMLHTTP protocol! Any ideas/code suggestions how to solve this are most welcome!