Containers vs Virtual Machines
Installing Docker & Network changes
Listing namespaces for Docker Containers
Running basic docker commands
Understanding Docker Networking Options
Change Docker Default Location
Data Persistance with Docker Volumes & Bindmounts
Building docker images with Dockerfile & Dockerfile instructions
docker system prune for deleting dangling images,dangling build cache,networks not in use, stopped containers
Create a AWS Elastic Container Registry(ECR) and Push Images to private registry.
Deploy Docker Swarm using Terraform & configure swarm manually.
Container Orchestration & Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
Understand RAFT Algorithm
Deploying 6(master/2-manager/3-nodes) Node Docker Swarm Cluster
Creating appliactions using docker service command
Container Placement using Labels & Constraints
Global and Replicated Service Modes
Deploy Docker Swarm using Terraform
Configure Traefik Ingress Controller for Traffic Management.