This is a command line application written in C with text UI using the Ncurses library. As Ncurses is a unix library, you can only install and run it on unix based OS.
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
gcc core.c -lncurses -o core.out
Citizens as normal users can submit violation reports with specific tags in specific ctegories, title and description, address of the crime, and priority. All the datas from reports are saved in Binary files and loaded to admin panel. So admins can recieve the reports, and accept or reject them. The user will be notified in his or her panel about the state of report(pending, accepted, or rejected).
- registeration as new user or admin
- repeated user not allowed
- login to user panel or admin panel
- application is closed in specified times of night (by the function: int check_time (), in core.c)
- edit or delete reports from inbox.
- write & submit new report
- specify mid or high priority for all reports so that it will show up with lower or higher priority in admin's panel
- see the history of previous accepted or rejected reports
- find all related reports with specific tags that has been submited by other users in the database
- credit gained from admins is shown
- see all user reports with detail in inbox
- accept or reject reports by their title
- give credit to accepted reports
- block users with rejected reports so that their accound will not be accesible anymore.
- see the history of all answerd reports