
a simple todo TUI written in C++

Primary LanguageC++

A Simple Todo TUI Written in C++

This is my first proper c++ program and it allows the creation, deletion and modification of todo items inside the terminal.

Note: Cannot be compiled as is, you must add a directory for todo items to be stored in first (full path).

It displays current todo items, and also checks to see if there are none left:

Make sure to install the ncurses library (ncurses-base on fedora). Everything else should be standard.

Also make sure to compile with the libraries linked:

g++ todo.cpp -o todo -lstdc++fs -lncurses

You can print todo items on startup by using the following script (add your item path):

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

todo=$(awk '{print}END{print "\n"}' PATH_TO_ITEMS*)

notify-send TODO: $todo

Current Limitations:

$EDITOR is used for the editing function, so make sure to have it defined inside your current session!

As my c++ knowledge is fairly basic, the creation and deletion of items in done through parsing commands into the shell, however I might be able to improve it in some other way.

Currently only one worded item names (of the actual file) can be used because of how the shell interprets strings.