Eurofurence App (Android version)
This is the official repo for the Eurofurence Android application. Commits to this repo are considered unstable. Releases in here, as well as releases on the Google Play Store
This app integrates seamlessly with the ef-app_backend application, when run on a server.
- Clone this repo
- gradlew build
- go to
- Change the
- Download
from Firebase/Google Cloud
We recommend to for this repo if you're intending on using it for your own convention. You can apply theming and related things, while still being up to date by pulling from the main repo.
- Create issues when you have one, even if it might be a bit silly (discussion is nice)
- Icons8 (In app icons, thanks a ton!)
- Google analytics (Basic event and screen tracking. No user data)
- Firebase (Cloud messages, Remote configs)
- Google API's (Maps)
- Google Play (App uploading, cloud testing)
- HockeyApp (Event tracking, Crash tracking, Feedback. No user specific data)