Bounty Hunter on Cloud


(A delay of approximately 2 seconds was incorporated into the project to prevent data transmission overload)

I used Glitch Websocket in this project

Video of playing this game:

In this project, we investigated the potential of robot arms to enhance sports and gaming training in a simulated environment. In the physical world, expertise in sports and games usually entails repetitive exercise and access to appropriate equipment. Unfortunately, such resources may not be accessible to everyone, which is where robot arms come in as a valuable aid. By generating virtual scenes and offering support for sports or game-based training, robot arms can be of tremendous assistance to a wider population. Through the use of technologies such as Arduino, WebSocket, and Unity, we were able to demonstrate how robot arms can be used to create an immersive and engaging training experience that promotes hand-eye coordination and quick thinking. However, challenges such as the optimal delay time in the communication between softwares need to be addressed to improve the overall gaming experience.

The feedback and review on the game’s representation of guns and shooting from a political perspective highlights the potential for exploring the concept further. By tying it into current societal, cultural, and political issues, we can create a thought-provoking experience that engages players in a dialogue about violence, human society, technology, and ethics.