To run the program, it requries python 3.10 or newer and the requried packages. They can be installed with pip
pip install pyvis
pip install networkx
pip install matplotlib
Go to in the test directory. Add go to the function and change the rulelist = [] list to your desired rule set. You can also add packets in the same by adding to the packetList=[]. This will output to the file tree_data_tb.txt, and cuckoo_sram_data.txt. Now you can simulate it in modelsim with the top level being system_blueprint_tb.vhd
- Package: my_types_pkg
- Module: codeword_concatinator
- Module: SRAM
- Module: tree_and_sram
- Module: tree_collection
- Module: trie_tree_logic
- Module: system_blueprint
- Module: Accept_Deny
- Module: packet_fifo
- Module: Collect_header
- Module: Cuckoo_Hashing
- Module: cuckoo_SRAM
- Module: rule_engine