Source Code Search Engine

The task is to implement simple search engine on top of source code repositories.


Your program receives a path to a directory that contains source code. It will traverse the directory recursively and index the text files. Your program will provide users the ability to query the indexed files.

Reverse index

Imagine you have 2 documents doc1 and doc2. doc1 contains words a and b. doc2 contains words a and c. Let's say that doc1 has number 1 and doc2 has number 2. Reverse index is a data structure that looks like this:

a - 1,2
b - 1
c - 2

Supported commands

  • index ${abs_path_to_dir} - creates index directory for the directory
  • search ${query} - searches the reverse index and returns the files that match the ${query}

Query format

  • +word - document must contain this word
  • -word - document cannot contain this word
  • word - optional words - if provided then document must contain at least one of these words


  • +class - finds all files that contain word class
  • +main -int - finds all files that contain word main but do not contain word int
  • +String equals trim - finds all files that contain word String and either equals or trim or both


  • commands are read from standard input ("CLI")

Output format

  • index:
    • Successfully created index for ${directory_name}.
  • search:
    • Found ${x} documents for ${query}. List of files:
      * file1
      * file2

Test files

Simple Test

Command: index tests/SimpleTest

Expected output: Successfully created index for SimpleTest.

Command: search +a

Expected output:

Found 2 documents for "+a". List of files: 
* doc1.txt 
* doc2.txt

Command: search +a -b

Expected output:

Found 1 documents for "+a -b". List of files: 
* doc2.txt

Command: search b c

Expected output:

Found 2 documents for "b c". List of files: 
* doc1.txt 
* doc2.txt

Complex Test

Command: index tests/ComplexTest

Expected output: Successfully created index for ComplexTest.

Command: search +MyFileUtils

Expected output:

Found 2 documents for "+MyFileUtils". List of files: 
* AntExercise/src/cz/cuni/mff/fileutils/

Good luck :)