
Where is list of all ticker symbols

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Hi, I want to use this code
data = nasdaqdatalink.Dataset('WIKI/AAPL').data()

Is there a way to get all tickers? I asked Google's BARD and it came up with
import nasdaqdatalink
nasdaq_data_link = nasdaqdatalink.NasdaqDataLink(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
tickers = nasdaq_data_link.get_all_tickers()

Problem is "get_all_tickers" doesnt exist. Using the above example, how can I actually get all ticker symbols?

I have spent hours digging through tutorials and it is not intuitive or clear what the database and ticker values are. A list of each would be helpful.
If I am to loop through this: data = nasdaqdatalink.Dataset('WIKI/AAPL').data()
We need a a list of database and ticker codes