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What is Studio-9?

Studio9 is an open source platform for doing collaborative Data Management & AI/ML anywhere Whether your data is trapped in silos or you’re generating data at the edge, Studio9 gives you the flexibility to create AI and data engineering pipelines wherever your data is. And you can share your AI, Data, and Pipelines with anyone anywhere. With Studio9, you can achieve newfound agility to effortlessly move between compute environments, while all your data and your work replicates automatically to wherever you want.

Below are described the major components of Studio-9.

1. *ORION* - A service further consisting of three components namely Job Dispatcher, Job Supervisor and Job Resource Cleaner. Job Dispatcher mainly forwards messages from RabbitMQ to the proper Job Supervisor, instantiating it for each new job request. Job Supervisor is responsible for instantiating job master for each new job which will have a new job supervisor setup. Job Resource Cleaner consumes messages from RabbitMQ and spins a new JobResourcesCleanerWorker for handling each message which then executes tasks for cleaning the resources. 

2. *ARIES* - A microservice that allows read/write access to ElasticSearch. It stores Job Metadata, Heartbeats and Job Results in ElasticSearch as documents. 

3. *TAURUS* - This service works as a message dispatcher using SQS/SNS.

4. *BAILE* - It receives messages from the UI service called Salsa and then sends them to Cortex if its not Online Prediction. In case of Online Prediction, Salsa sends messages to Taurus which then sends them to Cortex.

5. *ARGO* - A service designed to capture all configuration parameters for all job types or services. These parameters are saved by Argo in ElasticSearch. 

6. *PEGASUS* - A prediction storage service that receives messages from Taurus via Orion to upload data to RedShift. The messages contain metadata for online prediction job and CSV file with prediction results. 

What are use cases?

Computational Data Core that Automatically Scales and Adapts to You

Imagine never having to worry about how to keep your data organized, keep track of how, when, and where it was manipulated, keep track of where it came from, or keep track of all its meta-data. Now imagine being able to effortlessly and securely share your data and its lineage with your colleagues. Finally, imagine being able to do any Analytics or Machine Learning right where your data is. The Studio9 Computational Data Core makes this all possible.

The Data Science Replication Engine

Every step you perform in the Analytics & AI Lifecycle results in a valuable asset – a snippet of code, or a data transformation pipeline, or a table of newly engineered data, or an album of images or a new algorithm. Imagine having the power to instantly use any asset anyone creates to build bigger and better AI models that constantly expand your power to generate breakthroughs. Studio9 gives your team the frictionless ability to organize, track, share, and re-use all your Analytics & AI assets.

Automated Model Governance & Compliance

Studio9 allows Model Risk Management, Regulatory Constraints, and Documentation Policies that your models must abide by to be encoded right into Pipeline and automatically reproduced every time a model is refreshed by Studio9. This includes Model Explainability, Model Fairness & Bias Analytics, Model Uncertainty, and Model Drift analytics – all of which are performed automatically. We don’t think AI makes machines smarter. It exists to make you smarter. The easier it is for you to make AI, the greater your ability to make breakthroughs. Whether you have unlimited compute resources in the cloud, or you are limited at the edge, your ability to make breakthroughs should be unencumbered. We are committed to giving you the breakthrough Data Management & AI/ML capabilities you need so you can create the breakthroughs you want – anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.

What Studio9 can do?

Reduce Your AI Workload 120x

Studio9 provides a large inventory of building blocks from which you can stitch together custom AI and Data Engineering pipelines. Rapidly assemble and test many different pipelines to create the AI you need. Turn your data into AI with near-zero effort and cost. Since Studio9 is an open platform, newer cutting-edge AI building blocks that are emerging every day are put right at your fingertips.

Studio9 helps you find the breakthroughs hidden in your data

Studio9 streamlines your burden of wrangling data. With its continuously expanding portfolio of building blocks, Studio9 makes it easier for you to clean, integrate, enrich, and harmonize your data. Do it all within your own infinitely scalable database environment without any of the hassle of managing your own database.

Push-button Model Deployment

You now have the power to deploy and run your Data Processing pipelines, Models, and AI anywhere – from infinitely scalable Cloud computing infrastructure to your own laptop to ultra-low power edge computing devices – with no additional programming or engineering effort required. We designed Studio9 for deployment flexibility so you can build, train, share, and execute your AI anywhere you want.

Flow of Studio-9


How to deploy Studio9 on Local?

So for deploying the Studio-9 on local, we have to understand the sequence of the services to be deployed. But before deployment of services we need to see some prerequisites for application.


Mesos-Marathon Cluster Setup

Apache Zookeeper

     Version: 3.7.1

Deploying Zookeeper on local

Apache Mesos

     Version: 1.7.2

Deploying Mesos on local


     Version: 1.5.0

Deploying Marathon on local

Here we need one more machine so for this we will create a VM on local machine by using Vagrant because mesos-marathon cluster work on master slave architecture.


Deploying Vagrant on local

Note: We will run Mesos-Master on base machine and Marathon as well as Mesos-Slave on VM.


Process to run mesos-slave on slave is same as specified above only difference is the command we will use to run.

./bin/mesos-slave.sh --master=<base-machine IP>:5050  --work_dir=/var/run/mesos --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --    containerizers=docker,mesos --image_providers=appc,docker --isolation=filesystem/linux,docker/runtime

Now, we will deploy the below services:

Elastic Search

Deploying Elastic Search on local


Deploying MongoDB on local


Deploying RabbitMQ on local


Deploying Postgres on local

After the deployment of above services, we will deploy the below services in the same sequence as they are listed below:


Deploying Aries Service on local


Deploying Argo Service on local


Deploying Orion Service on loal


Deploying Cortex Service on local


Deploying Pegasus Service on local


Deploying Taurus Service on local


Deploying UM-Service on local


Deploying Baile Service on local


Deploying Salsa Service on local

How to Create a docker images ?

Step1: When we change something in the code then we need to build a new docker image.

Step 2 : We just need to run the below command to build the image from the dockerfile.

If you are in the same directory where you have docker file.

     docker build -t <image_name>:<version> .


    docker build -t python:1.0 .         

If you are buling a image from the other side of your dockerfile 's Path then you can simply pass the path at the end of command :

    docker build -t <image_name>:<version> ./<PATH to file>


    docker build -t python:1.0 ./<PATH to dockerfile>

Step 3: First you should tag the image accourding to your preferance:

    docker tag <image_name>:<version> <user_name>/repo_name>:<version>


    docker tag python:latest username/python:1.0  

Step 4: Now we can push the image to the dockerhub or other cotainer registory:

    docker push username/python:1.0 

Step5 : Now we can change the image name in the code or where we are using this perticular image.

How to deploy Studio9 using Docker-Compose?

We'll be deploying Studio9 on local using a docker-compose file.


  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - 4vCPUs and 16GB memory.
  • Mesos-marathon Cluster
  • AWS account
  • AWS S3 buckets
  • AWS S3 buckets accessible to AWS IAM
  • Docker should be installed on your local system.
  • If you don't have docker installed in your system, kindly refer to this link
  • After successfully installing Docker, clone the Repository.
  • Run the Docker Compose file by running the below command:

sh docker-compose up -d


sh docker compose up -d

  • If you want to see the logs, use the below command:

sh docker-compose up

  • To stop the services, use the below commands:

sh docker compose down

NOTE: Use the above commands in the directory where the docker compose file exists.

Explanation of Docker Compose

For running the Studio-9 on local, we are using docker-compose.

  • We are using a single network i.e. 'studio9' for all the services that'll run for studio-9.
  • Here we have 17 services that will be deployed on local machine to run the Studio-9.
  • There are four volumes being used in Studio-9, three for elastic-search and one for mongoDB.
  • The elastic-search master node is accessible at the port 9200.
  • Kibana service will run after the Elastic-search nodes are up and will be accessible at port 5601.
  • Mongo express service depends on mongo and will be accessible at 8081.
  • Zookeeper is using the same network i.e. 'studio9' and will be accessible 2181.
  • RabbitMQ is accessible at ports 5672 and 15672.
  • Next we have Aries service and it depends on Elastic-search nodes and will be accessible at 9000.
  • The Cortex service depends on Aries RabbitMQ and will be accessible at 9000.
  • The Argo service also depends on Elastic-search nodes and will be accessible at 9000.
  • Gemini service depends on zookeeper and sql-server and will be accessible at 9000.
  • Taurus service depends on RabbitMQ, Cortex, Baile, Argo and Aries and will be accessible at 9000.
  • Orion service depends on Cortex, Zookeeper and RabbitMQ and will be accessible at 9000.
  • Pegasus service depends on Taurus RabbitMQ and Postgres nad will be accessible at 9000.
  • UM service depends on Mongo and will be accessible at 9000.
  • Baile service depends on Mongo, UM service, Aries, Cortex, SQL-server and Zookeeper and will be accessible at 9000.
  • SQL-Server depends on UM Service and will be accessible at 9000.
  • Salsa service is responsible for the UI of Studio-9 and it depends on Baile with port 80.
  • Postgres service depends on postgres-db and will be accessible at 8080.

👨‍💻 Author

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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📝 License

Copyright © 2022 knoldus, Inc (https://www.knoldus.com).
This project is licensed under the MIT license.