
A web application for managing your tasks efficiently.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Task Expert

Live link: https://task-expert.web.app/

This is a simplistic drag and drop task management web app that anybody can use for their daily life task management. It has three stages of task management - todo, ongoing, completed. Dragging and dropping updates UI along with the database itself. It is completely responsive. I used HTML drag and drop API for the drag and drop functionality. Currently it doesn't offer drag and drop support for touchscreens but I'm working on it and will add the functionality soon.


  • React JS
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Toastify
  • React Icons
  • Firebase Authentication
  • JWT
  • React Query
  • Axios
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose


  • Users can register accounts and, create/delete and manage their daily tasks
  • On the tasks dashboard users can easily drag and drop their tasks to change the task’s status into three statuses - todo, ongoing and completed
  • Firebase authentication has been used for login/registration and JSON web token has been used for authentication security.