
A notepad application developped in React Native.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The project is developped in React Native for the React Native course. The goal was to developped an app of our choice using React.

The project is made by :

  • BOULLET Nicolas
  • TRITTA ClĂ©ment


The purpose of this application is to allow a user to have a personal note available, in which he can put all the information he wants to remember.

Home Screen Modification Screen


The first idea was to create an application that can allow the user to create multiple notes, accessible from the Home screen. To deliver the project on time we made a version with only one note for the user, because we had trouble dealing with multiple data using asyncStorage.

We left the add note button to leave a trace of our work.


To install the app, follow these instructions:

git clone 

npm install 

npm start
npm run android