
Tripoto is a travel Booking website, for providing end to end solution to to your travelling by making your bookings handy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a collaborative Project from Masai School in the Construct Week. We are 4 members of the team:

  1. Pankaj Singh

  2. Nasir Imam

  3. Rahul Singh

  4. Shikha Gupta

💻Project Unique Name :- R.P.S.N Vacation ✈️

Tripoto is a travel Booking website, for providing end to end solution to to your travelling by making your bookings handy.

💫Tech & Tools Used :

For Frontend : HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, ES6, ReactJS Redux.

For database: Json Server (cyclic).

Chakra UI (UI Styling Library) Styled-Components.

For authentication: Google firebase authentication.

Serial No Feature
1 User signup and Login
2 Products Page with Filter and Sort Functionalities
3 Dynamic add to cart and Wishlist feature
4 Dynamic cart page and wishlist page using userId
5 Admin Login & Page
6 Dummy payment using UPI-Paytm


Deployed Link : https://rpsn-vacations.netlify.app

✨Thank You✨