
Pack a compat layer between next.js serverless page and AWS Lambda.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm puppeteer package integration test next@latest

This plugin will generate aws-lambda compatible function for each Next.JS pages. After that, you can to use theses functions with the AWS cloudformation template or/and AWS serverless template.

This plugin use next-aws-lambda package, create by and for the serverless community ❤️.

👉 Here a full implementation example (step by step)



  1. Use Next.JS CLI for build your project (next build)
    • The configuration file next.config.js must use target: 'serverless'.
  2. Use SAM or AWS CLI cloudformation for your deployment.

Next.JS compatibility

Next.JS Version Tests
canary integration test next@canary
latest integration test next@latest
9.5.0 integration test next@latest
9.4.0 integration test next@latest


Use npm :

npm install --save-dev next-aws-lambda-webpack-plugin

Add the plugin to the Next.JS (next.config.js) configuration file.

Plugin Arguments Required Description
nextJsConfig YES Next.JS config retrieve from#next.config.js, see example below.
options NO see options


const GenerateAwsLambda = require('next-aws-lambda-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
    target: 'serverless',
    webpack: (config, nextConfig) => {
        config.plugins.push(new GenerateAwsLambda(nextConfig));
        return config


Plugin Options Required Default Description
distDir No "out_lambda" Custom lambda build directory.
prefix No "l" Prefix apply to each lambda directory.
pages No [] A whitelist who specified SSR pages. If empty array is specified all pages are generated.


new AwsLambdaGenerator(nextConfig,{
    distDir: 'lambda_build'

Architecture Example

👉 Go to example
