jKool Event Streaming Library -- telemetry collection, simulation and streaming to jKool enabled servers, jKool Cloud.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

JESL - jKool Event Streaming Library

NOTE: jesl version 1.x migrated to Java 11 and bumped SLF4J from 1.7.x to 2.x.

Latest Java 8 compliant tnt4j version is 0.12.x.

JESL allows application developers stream time-series data to meshIQ. To stream data to jKoolCloud your application must:

  1. Use TNT4J, or MQTT/slf4j/log4j/Logback in your application to log events, activities, metrics (see TNT4J-Streams)

  2. Obtain your jKool account and API access token at https://www.meshiq.com. API access token is required to stream data to your XRay repository.

  3. Use JESL Event Sink implementation (contained in this project) within your TNT4J configuration. (Requires API access token)

    Use Maven dependency:

  4. Configure your application for streaming to XRay using JESL Event Sink (requires API access token). See (com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory)

NOTE: To initiate HTTPS connection, JESL uses TLSv1.2+ protocol:

  • TLSv1.2 - for all 1.8+ Java versions.
  • TLSv1.3 - for Java version 1.8 build 261+ (Oracle)/262+ (OpenJDK) and later versions (11, 15, 17...).

JESL package includes the following components:

  1. TNT4J streaming library with SLF4j support (https://github.com/Nastel/TNT4J)

  2. JESL Simulator -- stream simulated events, activities and metrics to XRay. Simulations are defined in XML files. (See tnt4j-sim-template.xml and order-process.xml)

  3. JESL Event Sink -- TNT4J Event Sink implementation to stream events to XRay.

JESL Simulator

The JESL Simulator provides the ability to simulate tracking activities and events. The activities, events, and their components are defined using an XML format. There are three major parts to a simulation definition:

  1. Sources - defines the sources involved in simulated activities and events

  2. Messages - defines the messages that will be exchanged during activities

  3. Activities and Events - defines the actual activities and the sub-activities and events in them

The included file tnt4j-sim-template.xml contains a simulation definition template, along with detailed descriptions of each element, showing the XML element hierarchy. The file order-process.xml contains a sample set of activities and their events, along with some sample snapshots.

To define a simulation, copy one of the supplied XML simulation definition files to use as a template and create the necessary activity elements.

The simulator can be run in one of two modes:

1. Simulation (simulation type: `run`)
   Runs a user specified simulation file (e.g. `sims/order-process.xml`) 
   and sends the tracking data to the JESL Event Sink and/or writes 
   the tracking data to the specified file.  In this mode, the simulator 
   can be configured to run the simulation file a specified number of iterations,
   optionally generating unique correlators and tags for each iteration of
   the simulation file (appends a unique value to end of defined correlator 
   and tags in simulation definition file).

2. Replay (simulation type: `replay`)
   Reads previously-saved tracking data from the specified file
   and sends it to the JESL Event Sink

The simplest way to run the simulator is to execute the file jksim.bat (or jksim.sh) as follows:

`jksim -A:api-access-token -f:sim-file -i:iterations`
Example: `jksim -A:MY-TOKEN -f:../sims/order-process.xml -i:5`

api-access-token is your API access token obtained during registration with jKool. sim-file simulation file that defines all interactions, events, metrics. Sample simulation files are located under <jesl>/sims/ folder (e.g. <jesl>/sims/order-process.xml). iterations is the number of iterations for a given simulation (1 default).

NOTE: You may to alter jksim shell script to specify custom simulator parameters such as simulation type as well as other advanced options.

The simulator also contains options for allowing the data values used for some tracking component attributes to be altered to provide unique values for these attributes for each tracking activity so that each activity definition in the input file serves as a template for the activities to generate, allowing each to be a unique instance of an activity with the defined components. An example of such an attribute is the Correlator. If a Correlator is defined and the correlator value is not unique across each activity then all activities will get stitched together into one large activity.

Some available options are:

	-A		This option specifies the access token to use to validate
			connection to JESL Event Sink.  This option is required
			when using `-T` option

	-p		This option will cause simulator to scale each time attribute
			up or down by the specified percentage.  This prevents each
			activity from looking exactly the same, showing some variation
			in the event durations, as well as the times between events

	-u		Makes correlators and tags unique between iterations on the
			input file by appending a time stamp to each one, so that each
			iteration over the file	will generate independent activities
			and events

To see the full set of supported options, run: jksim.bat help

Streaming Log4j to jKoolCloud

Requires TNT4J Appender for Log4J

Log4J can be configured to stream events and metrics to jKoolCloud by using JESL log4j appender com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.logger.log4j.TNT4JAppender as follows:

  1. Add JESL log4j appender to your log4j configuration

    <!-- ### Default JESL Appender configuration ### -->
    <Tnt4j name="jkoolcloud" sourceName="com.jkoolcloud.jesl.stream" sourceType="APPL" metricsOnException="true" metricsFrequency="60">
            <Pattern>%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n</Pattern>
    <!-- ### jesl stream API logger -->
    <AsyncLogger name="com.jkoolcloud.jesl.stream" level="OFF"/>
    <!-- ### jkoolcloud API logger -->
    <AsyncLogger name="com.jkoolcloud" level="INFO"/>
    <!-- ### jesl API logger -->
    <AsyncLogger name="com.jkoolcloud.jesl" level="INFO"/>

    Define categories that you want mapped to jkoolcloud appender. Example:

    <Logger name="com.myco.mypackage" level="INFO">
        <AppenderRef ref="jkoolcloud"/>
  2. Add the following arguments to your java start-up

    -Dtnt4j.config=<jesl.home>/log4j/tnt4j.properties -Dtnt4j.token.repository=<jesl.home>/log4j/tnt4j-tokens.properties 

    To enable automatic application dump add the following arguments:

    -Dtnt4j.dump.on.vm.shutdown=true -Dtnt4j.dump.on.exception=true -Dtnt4j.dump.provider.default=true 

    Optionally you can add the following parameters to define default data center name and geolocation:

    -Dtnt4j.source.DATACENTER=YourDataCenterName -Dtnt4j.source.GEOADDR="Melville, NY" 

    Make sure <jesl.home>/jesl-<version>.jar and all dependent jar files in <jesl.home>/lib are in your class path. Also include tnt4j-log4j appender library tnt4j-log4j-<version>.jar.

  3. Edit <jesl.home>/log4j/tnt4j.properties and replace YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN with your jKool API access token.

    This allows streaming data to be associated with your private repository.

    NOTE: Make sure your firewall allows outgoing https connections to XRay.

  4. Restart your application

    log4j messages which map to JESL jkoolcloud appender will stream to XRay

  5. Login to "My Dashboard" @ XRay

NOTE: See TNT4J documentation for more information on TNT4JAppender. Optionally you may annotate your log4j messages to provide better context, timing as well as report user defined metrics. Example:

logger.info("Starting a tnt4j activity #beg=Test, #app=" + Log4JTest.class.getName());
logger.warn("First log message #app=" + Log4JTest.class.getName() + ", #msg='1 Test warning message'");
logger.error("Second log message #app=" + Log4JTest.class.getName() + ", #msg='2 Test error message'", new Exception("test exception"));
logger.info("Ending a tnt4j activity #end=Test, #app=" + Log4JTest.class.getName() + " #%i/order-no=" + orderNo);

Streaming TNT4J to jKoolCloud

Applications that use TNT4J can be configured to stream events and metrics to jKoolCloud by configuring application source to use JESL Event Sink (com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory).

Configure your TNT4J source as follows (using tnt4j.properties file):

	; event sink configuration: destination and data format
	event.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.BufferedEventSinkFactory
	event.sink.factory.PooledLoggerFactory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.PooledLoggerFactoryImpl

	event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory
	event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Url: https://stream.meshiq.com
	event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Token: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN
	event.formatter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.format.JSONFormatter

Below is an example of a sample TNT4J source (com.myco.myappl) configuration with JESL Event Sink (com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory):

	source: com.myco.myappl
	source.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.source.SourceFactoryImpl
	source.factory.GEOADDR: New York
	source.factory.DATACENTER: HQDC
	source.factory.RootFQN: SERVER=?#DATACENTER=?#GEOADDR=?
	source.factory.RootSSN: tnt4j-myapp

	tracker.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.tracker.DefaultTrackerFactory
	dump.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.dump.DefaultDumpSinkFactory

	; event sink configuration: destination and data format
	event.sink.factory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.BufferedEventSinkFactory
	event.sink.factory.PooledLoggerFactory: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.sink.impl.PooledLoggerFactoryImpl

	event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory
	event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Url: https://stream.meshiq.com
	event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Token: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN
	event.formatter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.format.JSONFormatter

	; Configure default sink filter based on level and time (elapsed/wait)
	event.sink.factory.Filter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.filters.EventLevelTimeFilter
	event.sink.factory.Filter.Level: TRACE
	; Uncomment lines below to filter out events based on elapsed time and wait time
	; Timed event/activities greater or equal to given values will be logged
	;event.sink.factory.Filter.ElapsedUsec: 100
	;event.sink.factory.Filter.WaitUsec: 100

	tracking.selector: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.selector.DefaultTrackingSelector
	tracking.selector.Repository: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.repository.FileTokenRepository

NOTE: You will need to provide your actual API access token in (event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Token).

NOTE: When streaming to jKoolCloud it may happen data containing special numeric (double/float) values: Infinity, -Infinity, NaN. While it is legal to have them in JSON, default JSON parser configuration on jKoolCloud may not allow them and skip complete activity entities to store in your repository. This JSONFormatter has configuration property SpecNumbersHandling to handle those special values onTNT4J/JESL side:

    event.formatter: com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.format.JSONFormatter
    ; Configures special numeric values handling. Can be one of: SUPPRESS, ENQUOTE, MAINTAIN. Default value: SUPPRESS
    event.formatter.SpecNumbersHandling: MAINTAIN

SpecNumbersHandling property values:

  • SUPPRESS - suppress properties having special numeric value. Produced JSON will not contain these activity entity properties.
  • ENQUOTE - enquote special numeric value. Produced JSON will have en-quoted values e.g."Infinity", "NaN".
  • MAINTAIN - maintain value as is. Produced JSON will have literal number values e.g. Infnity, NaN.

Optional configuration

  • ConnTimeout - defines connection timeout in milliseconds. Default - 10 sec.
  • ConnCloseTimeout - defines connection close timeout in milliseconds. Default - 2 sec.
  • IdleTimeout - defines connection idle timeout in milliseconds. Default - 4min.
  • AckSends - indicates connection to wait for acknowledgments for sent packages. Default - false.
  • DisableSSLVerification - indicates connection to disable SSL validation (may be useful if HTTP endpoint has certificate expired). Default - false.


event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Url: https://stream.meshiq.com
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Token: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ConnTimeout: 5000
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ConnCloseTimeout: 1000
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.IdleTimeout: 300000
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.AckSends: true
event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.DisableSSLVerification: true

Proxy configuration

Proxy can be used do deliver data over JESL Event Sink (com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory) for both HTTP(S) and TCP(S) layers.

  • To use HTTP proxy, set such configuration properties:

    • ProxyScheme - defines proxy scheme to be used, one of: http or https. Default value - http. Optional.
    • ProxyHost - defines proxy host name or IP address.
    • ProxyPort - defines proxy port number.
    • ProxyUser - defines proxy login user. Optional.
    • ProxyPass - defines proxy user password. Optional.


    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Url: https://stream.meshiq.com
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Token: YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyScheme: http
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyHost: proxy.host.com
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyPort: 8060
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyUser: proxy-user
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyPass: proxy-pass
  • To use SOCKSv5 proxy, set such configuration properties:

    • ProxyHost - defines proxy host name or IP address.
    • ProxyPort - defines proxy port number.
    • ProxyUser - defines proxy login user. Optional.
    • ProxyPass - defines proxy user password. Optional.


    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory: com.jkoolcloud.jesl.tnt4j.sink.JKCloudEventSinkFactory
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.Url: tcp://
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyHost: proxy.host.com
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyPort: 8060
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyUser: proxy-user
    event.sink.factory.EventSinkFactory.ProxyPass: proxy-pass

    Proxy authentication credentials can be also passed through JVM system properties java.net.socks.username and java.net.socks.password, e.g.:

    -Djava.net.socks.username=proxy-user -Djava.net.socks.password=proxy-pass

    Also see Java SE documentation for additional proxy configuration details using JVM system properties.

Sample jKQL Queries

Sample queries you can run against your data using jKool dashboard.

jKQL queries follow this convention:

<verb> <expression> show as <widget>


Get events where severity > INFO show as linechart

Sample Get queries

Get relatives show as topology
Get relatives show as geomap
Get events where severity > INFO show as linechart
Get worst 10 events for last day show as linechart
Get number of events where severity > INFO group by servername, applname, severity show as scorecard
Get number of events where exception is not null group by applname ORDER BY applname show as piechart
Get number of events group by servername ORDER BY servername show as piechart
Get number of events where severity in (Error, Warning) for latest day group by starttime bucketed by hour, eventname show as stackchart
Get number of events group by starttime bucketed by minute show as anomalychart
Get number of activities group by starttime bucketed by minute show as anomalychart
Get number of events for latest 4 hours group by location show as barchart
Get number of events fields avg elapsedtime, max elapsedtime, min elapsedtime for latest 4 hours where severity in (Critical, Warning, Error) group by starttime bucketed by hour show as linechart
Get number of events group by eventname, severity, starttime bucketed by minute order by severity show as stackchart
Get number of activities group by Properties('browser') show as piechart

Sample Compare queries

Compare only diffs latest 3 events
Compare only diffs longest 5 events show as table

Sample Snapshot queries

Get number of snapshots where Category In (Log4J, Java, GarbageCollector) group by severity, category show as piechart
Get snapshots Memory fields snapshottime, map(FreeBytes) for latest day where map(FreeBytes) < 1500000000 show as colchart
Get snapshots Memory avg map(FreeBytes), max map(FreeBytes), max map(FreeBytes) show as colchart
Get snapshots where properties(TotalCpuUserUsec) > 4000 order by activityname
Get snapshot ShopingCart avg map(ShippingCost), sum map(ShippingCost) group by location show as scorecard

Sample Real-time queries

Subscribe to events show as linechart
Subscribe to number of events show as linechart
Subscribe to number of activities show as linechart
Subscribe to events where message contains 'failure' show as linechart


  • To build the project, run Maven goals clean package
  • To build the project and install to local repo, run Maven goals clean install
  • To make distributable release assemblies use one of profiles: pack-bin or pack-all:
    • containing only binary (including test package) distribution: run mvn -P pack-bin
    • containing binary (including test package), source and javadoc distribution: run mvn -P pack-all
  • To make Maven required source and javadoc packages, use profile pack-maven
  • To make Maven central compliant release having source, javadoc and all signed packages, use maven-release profile

Release assemblies are built to /build directory.

Project Dependencies

JESL requires the following (which will download automatically if using Maven):

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