
Upgrade your Discord Spotify Connection - show your current playing track!

Primary LanguagePython

Spotify Discord Activity

Give your Discord Spotify Activty a new, fresh look! Replace "Listening to Spotify" with a cool artist and track name. Life is good, but it can better!

This is the vanilla look:

This is the upgraded, fresh look:
upgraded0 upgraded1

Works best with https://github.com/Nasus20202/SpotiTrackForDiscord


How to use it?

  1. You will need a Spotify App. You can register one here: https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/. If you are using development mode, you will have to add your account in "Users and access" tab.
  2. Create a .env file in ./TokenGenrator. It should look like this:

Your Client ID and Secret can be accessed at your devloper dashboard. 3. Now start the Node.js server

cd ./TokenGenerator
node ./app.js
  1. You also need your Discord user token. Here is how to obtain it: https://pcstrike.com/how-to-get-discord-token/
  2. Now create and .env file in project main folder. It should look like this:
  1. Go to http://localhost:8888/ and log in to Spotify. Now you should receive your Spotify Refresh Token. Copy it to the .env file.
  2. Start the Python script
python ./main.py

Required libraries


  • python-dotenv
  • nest-asyncio
pip install python-dotenv
pip install nest-asyncio


  • express
  • request
  • cors
  • cookie-parser
  • query-string

Node.js packages should be installed automatically. If not, install them with npm. (npm install package name)