
A Hypixel Skyblock Quality of Life mod with features that you may or may not be able to find in other mods.

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A Hypixel Skyblock Quality of Life mod with features that you may or may not be able to find in other mods.

SkyTweaks is a mod created by Natia/Nat3zDev that implements QOL features for Hypixel Skyblock. Like the description says, "it's a mod that has features you may or may not find in other mods."

Extensions API

SkyTweaks has an extensive Extensions API that allows you to access information in the mod and get a cool looking UI with it!

By having your mod implemented into the Extensions API, your mod will soon^tm have auto-updating if you link your github page!

How to implement into your mod

First, install SkyTweaks and make sure it's the latest version. Then, you create a libs or deps folder in your gradle project and put the mod's jar in it. Next, you make sure the following lines are in your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'deps', include: '*.jar')
// optional
shadowJar {
  exclude 'Skyblock.Secret.Mod.jar'

Then, you create a new class that extends to the Extension class.

Almost done! Once you have done that, in your preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent) method, add the following lines:


Then, you add these lines in your postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent) method:


Congratulations! You have successfully added the SkyTweaks ExtensionsAPI into your mod!


  • ExtensionsAPI
  • Automatic Updates using the Vicious API framework. (made by me!)
  • Stop Rendering Players in Hub - Stops rendering players in Hub. The only exception is NPCS.
  • Item Pickup Logs - Creates a text file where it shows item drops/pickups throughout your session.
  • Minion Analyzer - Analyzes minion contents and calculates the amount of coins in it.
  • Readied Players - Adds a Ready Players HUD which shows the users in your party which are ready.
  • Spirit/Bonzo Timers - Displays a timer which shows how long the cooldown for the spirit/bonzo mask is.
  • Copy Fails/Deaths - Automatically copies dungeon fails AND dungeon deaths.
  • Reparty Command (/rp) - Automatically reparties all party members.
  • Voidgloom Seraph Assistance - Assists you in the fight with the Voidgloom Seraph.


  • /sm - Command to access config gui.
  • /smhud - Command to change positions of hud elements.
  • /rp - Command to start the reparty hook.

How to use SHA256 Hash

Automatically, the SHA256 hash of each update is verified by Mod Assistant. If you wish to manually verify, use this website and compare the output hash with the hash provided in the update changelog.

SHA256 Checksum Tool

Mod Assistant Verification

Mod Assistant automatically grabs the SHA-256 hash of each update and when downloaded, checks the hash of the updated jar file and makes sure that the update file is the one provided in the changelog.

Open Sourced

SkyTweaks is open source and because of this it uses code from open source programs! Below is a list of open source programs used to develop SkyTweaks!

List of Open Source Programs

This mod is protected by the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.