
Primary LanguageMotokoMIT LicenseMIT

Augmented Btrees

This library offers various B-tree implementations, each optimized for specific use cases when storing and managing sorted key-value pairs. These variants represent different trade-offs in features and performance.

Supported B-tree variants:

  • B+ Tree (docs)
  • Max Value B+ Tree (docs) in-progress


  • Import the library
    import { BpTree; MaxBpTree; Cmp } "mo:augmented-btrees";
  • Creating a new B+ Tree
    • Specify the desired order of the tree, which determines the maximum number of entries a single leaf node can hold. The order can be any number in this range [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 516] with the default being 32.
    let bptree = BpTree.new(?32);
  • Comparator Function

    • This library replaces the default comparator function with a more performant Cmp module that returns an Int8 type for comparisons, which requires less overhead compared to the Order type.
    • The Cmp module provides functions for various primitive types in motoko.
    • Here's an example of a B+Tree that stores and compares Char keys.
          import { BpTree; Cmp } "mo:augmented-btrees";
          let arr = [('A', 0), ('B', 1), ('C', 2), ('D', 3), ('E', 4)];
          let bptree = BpTree.fromArray(arr, Cmp.Char, null);
    • You can define your own comparator functions for custom types. The comparator function must return either of these Int8 values:
      • 0 if the two values are equal
      • 1 if the first value is greater than the second value
      • -1 if the first value is less than the second value
  • Examples of operations on a B+ Tree

    let arr = [('A', 0), ('B', 1), ('C', 2), ('D', 3), ('E', 4)];
    let bptree = BpTree.fromArray(arr, Cmp.Char, null);

    assert BpTree.get(bptree, 'A') == ?0;

    ignore BpTree.insert(bptree, 'F', 5);
    assert Iter.toArray(BpTree.vals(bptree)) == ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];

    // replace
    assert BpTree.insert(bptree, 'C', 33) == ?3;

    assert BpTree.remove(bptree, Cmp.Char, 'C') == ?33;
    assert BpTree.toArray(bptree) == [('A', 0), ('B', 1), ('D', 3), ('E', 4), ('F', 5)];

    assert BpTree.min(bptree, Cmp.Char) == ?('A', 0);
    assert BpTree.max(bptree, Cmp.Char) == ?('F', 5);

    // get sorted position of a key
    assert BpTree.getIndex(bptree, Cmp.Char, 'A') == 0;

    // get the key and value at a given position
    assert BpTree.getFromIndex(bptree, 0) == ('A', 0);
  • Iterating over a B+ Tree
    • All iterators implemented in this library are of the type RevIter and are reversible.
    • An iterator can be created from a B+ Tree using any of these functions: entries(), keys(), vals(), scan(), or range().
    • The iterator can be reversed by calling the .rev() function on the iterator.

      For more details on reversible iterators, refer to the itertools library documentation

    let entries = BpTree.entries(bptree);
    assert Iter.toArray(entries.rev()) == [('E', 4), ('D', 3), ('C', 2), ('B', 1), ('A', 0)];

    // search for elements bounded by the given keys
    let results = BpTree.scan(bptree, Cmp.Char, ?'B', ?'D');
    assert Iter.toArray(results) == [('B', 1), ('C', 2), ('D', 3)];
    let results2 = BpTree.scan(bptree, Cmp.Char, ?'A', ?'C');
    assert Iter.toArray(results2.rev()) == [('C', 2), ('B', 1), ('A', 0)];

    // retrieve elements by their **index**
    let range1 = BpTree.range(bptree, 2, 4);
    assert Iter.toArray(range1) == [('C', 2), ('D', 3), ('E', 4)];

    // retrieve the next 3 elements after a given key
    let index_of_B = BpTree.getIndex(bptree, Cmp.Char, 'B');
    assert index_of_B == 1;
    let range2 = BpTree.range(bptree, index_of_B + 1, indexB + 3);
    assert Iter.toArray(range2) == [('C', 2), ('D', 3), ('E', 4)];


Benchmarking the performance with 10k entries

Comparing RBTree, BTree and B+Tree (BpTree)


insert() replace() get() entries() scan() remove()
RBTree 105_236_358 103_166_554 44_269_891 17_795_354 ----- 141_566_127
BTree 114_964_951 83_757_726 78_246_105 10_944_900 24_351_645 130_728_937
B+Tree 116_288_125 91_628_770 81_339_298 4_854_853 6_635_837 128_646_576
Max B+Tree 148_500_723 119_942_183 81_341_110 4_856_757 6_619_287 166_204_227


insert() replace() get() entries() scan() remove()
RBTree 9_051_828 8_268_692 12_960 1_889_036 8_904 -15_479_980
BTree 1_234_000 1_157_004 484_600 602_276 1_014_572 1_968_844
B+Tree 735_132 613_804 213_800 9_084 31_424 213_524
Max B+Tree 1_183_672 778_164 213_800 9_084 31_424 627_036

Other B+Tree functions


B+Tree Max B+Tree
getFromIndex() 68_084_521 73_059_451
getIndex() 167_272_699 167_274_197
getFloor() 79_745_701 79_747_291
getCeiling() 79_746_354 79_748_036
removeMin() 151_741_662 126_593_310
removeMax() 115_662_568 71_610_769


B+Tree Max B+Tree
getFromIndex() 328_960 328_960
getIndex() 586_764 586_764
getFloor() 213_804 213_804
getCeiling() 213_804 213_804
removeMin() 213_864 487_516
removeMax() 209_944 533_116