A motoko library implementation of the Assets Canister with v2 certification. Allows you to serve files from a canister and access it via the <canister-id>.icp0.io
domain instead of <canister-id>.raw.ic0.io
Demo: A simple frontend for uploading and serving certified files
The code for the demo is in the example/main.mo file.
You can either import the library into you canister, deploy it as a standalone canister or deploy it as a subcanister.
import Assets "mo:ic-assets";
actor class() = this_canister {
stable var assets_sstore = Assets.init_stable_store(owner);
assets_sstore := Assets.migrate(assets_sstore);
let assets = Assets.Assets(assets_sstore);
/// Need to call this function the first time the canister is created
public shared func init() : async () {
let id = Principal.fromActor(this_canister);
public shared ({ caller }) func store(args : Assets.StoreArgs) : async () {
assets.store(caller, args);
... // other functions from the Assets interface
public query func http_request_streaming_callback(token_blob : Assets.StreamingToken) : async ?(Assets.StreamingCallbackResponse) {
public query func http_request(request : Assets.HttpRequest) : async Assets.HttpResponse {
git clone https://github.com/NatLabs/ic-assets
mops install
dfx start --background
dfx deploy assets_canister
dfx canister call assets_canister init
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Option "mo:base/Option";
import Cycles "mo:base/ExperimentalCycles";
import Assets "mo:ic-assets";
import AssetsCanister "mo:ic-assets/Canister";
actor {
stable var opt_assets : ?AssetsCanister.AssetsCanister = null;
func assets() : AssetsCanister.AssetsCanister {
let ?a = opt_assets; return a;
public shared func create_assets() : async () {
switch(opt_assets) {
case (?_) { };
case null {
opt_assets := ?(await AssetsCanister.AssetsCanister(#Init({})););
public shared func store_text_file(): async (){
let args = AssetsCanister.StoreArgs {
key = "/hello.txt";
content_type = "text/plain";
key = "/hello";
content = "Hello, World!";
sha256 = null;
content_encoding = "identity";
is_aliased = ?true;
await assets().store(args);
let file = await assets().get({
key = "/hello.txt";
accept_encodings = [];
assert result.content == "Hello, World!";
assert result.content_type == "text/plain";
assert result.content_encoding == "identity";
assert result.total_length == 13;
assert Option.isSome(result.sha256);
/// Redirects all requests with the prefix '/assets/' to the assets canister
public query func http_request(request : Assets.HttpRequest) : async Assets.HttpResponse {
if (Text.startWith(request.url.path, "/assets/")) {
let assets_canister_id = Principal.toText(Principal.fromActor(assets()));
let path = Text.trimStart(request.url.path, "/assets/");
let asset_url = assets_canister_id # ".icp0.io/" # path;
let http_response = {
status_code = 307;
headers = [("Location", asset_url)];
body = "";
upgrade = null;
streaming_strategy = null;
return http_response;
// return await assets().http_request(request); - doesn't work, as CertifiedData.getCertificate() cannot be called in either composite query calls or inter-canister calls
return {
status_code = 404;
headers = [];
body = "Not found";
upgrade = null;
streaming_strategy = null;