
Primary LanguageMotokoMIT LicenseMIT

Web I/O

This library provides a high-level API for making HTTP requests and interacting with the web from a Motoko canister.

This is still a work in progress. The API is not stable and is subject to change.

This is an example of how the web-io library could be used once it is fully implemented.


Import the library

import { outcall; Router; Response; } "mo:web-io";



    type JokeObj = {
        setup : Text;
        delivery : Text;

    public func getJoke() : async ?JokeObj {
        let raw_res = await outcall
            .add_query("type", "twopart")

        let res = Response.fromCanisterHttp(raw_res);

        let json_blob = res.strict_json();
        return from_candid(json_blob);

Check out the send_http_post_backend.mo file for a more complete example. It features a re-write of dfinity's send_http_post example using the web-io library.


    let router = Router.Router();

            req : Router.Request,
            res : Router.ResponseBuilder,
        ) {
            let username = switch (req.params.get("username")) {
                case (?username) username;
                case (null) "anon";

            res.text(username # "'s profile page");

            req : Router.Request,
            res : Router.Response,
        ) {
            type Credentials = {
                username : Text;
                hash : Text;

            let blob = req.strict_json();
            let data : Credentials = switch(from_candid(blob)){
                case (?data) data;
                case (null) {
                    res.status(400).text("Bad Request: Improperly formatted JSON");

            store_user(data.username, data.hash);

            res.text(username # " signed up successfully");

    public query func http_request(httpReq: Router.HttpRequest) : async Router.HttpResponse {

    public func http_request_update(http_res: Router.HttpRequest) : async Router.HttpResponse {

Check out the http_counter.mo file for an example of how to use the Router module. This example is a re-write of dfinity's http_counter example using the web-io library.

Planned Features

  • Add support for parsing JSON and URL encoded data into Motoko types
  • Add a module for creating outgoing HTTP requests via cascading methods.
  • Add support for multipart/form-data requests
  • Support all classes and functionality in the http-parser.mo library (Cannot Currently parse multipart form data)
  • Add middleware support to the Router module
  • Add support for storing internal app state data in the Router module



  • A successful response from an outcall request need to be passed into the Response.fromCanisterHttp function to convert into a Response object because it's a shared type that cannot be returned from an async function.

